Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Sophia F. Ingersoll                }
      to                           }  Assignment of Note
Daniel H. Jones and John W. Garvin }
            State of Florida }
            Alachua County   } Know all men by these presents we Sophia F. Ingersoll
and Daniel W. Ingersoll husband of the said Sophia F. Ingersoll of said State and
County parties of the first part do hereby assign transfer and set over to Daniel
H. Jones and John W. Garvin merchants and partners of the City of New York
and the State of New York a certain promissory note made by Samuel T. Mansell of
the State of Florida to the said Sophia F. Ingersoll for the sum of one thousand
dollars to the following effect viz.
   $100000                       Gainesville  Feb 21, 1870
         Three months after date I promise to pay to the order of
Sophia F. Ingersoll one thousand dollars at two per cent a month till
paid value received.
Witness T.A. McDonell             signed    Samuel T. Mansell
  Together with a certain mortgage of even date with said note and made
by said Mansell to said Sophia F. Ingersoll to secure the payment of said note.
  And the said parties of the first part do hereby authorize and empower the said
Jones and Gavin to sue for said one thousand dollars and amount that may due
on said note and to foreclose said mortgage and collect the same and
to appropriate the proceeds thereof or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay and
satisfy the several promissory notes made by Ingersoll Wasson & Company to the order of
Jones & Gavin dated effectively March 12th AD 1869 payable two three & four
months after date respectively the first two respectively for the sum
of three hundred dollars and the last for the sum of three hundred &
sixty three 60/100 dollars together with an account for the sum of fifteen
dollars due by said Ingersoll & Wasson to the said Jones & Garvin
Interlined the second line from bottom of the first page by interlining the
words "order of" and the third line from the top of second page by inserting the word
"dollars". in testimony whereof Witness our hands and seals this Feby 28th
  In presence of                                    S.F. Ingersoll  (seal)
        M.B. Snell                                  D.W. Ingersoll  (seal)
        S.Y. Finley

           Filed June 10th 1886
              Recorded June 16th 1886
                  J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                    for S.H. Wienges DC

Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 5 June 2021
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