Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 105
W.W. Hampton et al Trustees }
            to              }  Mortgage
Mrs Julia A. Edwards        }
              This Indenture made and entered into on this 10th day of August AD
1886 by and between W.W. Hampton J.D. Matheson H.W. Long George K. Broome W.N. Sheats
H.F. Dutton & T.C. Lanier as Trustees of and for "The East Florida Seminary" a State Institution
created by the laws of Florida as parties of the first part and Mrs Julia A. Edwards of Alachua
County Florida party of the Second part witnesseth: That the said parties of the first
part for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars to them cash in hand paid
as well as for better securing the payment of a Certain promissory note of Even
date herewith as will more fully appear herein have granted bargained sold
and conveyed and by these presents do grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto her
the said party of the second part and to her heirs and assigns forever all that
certain Lot tract or parcel of land Situated lying and being in the Town of
Gainesville in Alachua County in the State of Florida and Known distinguished
and described as follows: to wit The North Half of Block (4) four Range (8) Eight according
to the original survey of Said Town of Gainesville as per map thereof duly recorded
upon the records of Alachua County Florida on the 21st day of June AD 1871 in
Deed Book "H" at page 383 Together with all and Singular the rights tenements
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining
To have and to hold the above granted and described premises and every part
and parcel thereof unto the said party of the second part and to her
heirs executors administrator and assigns forever in fee Simple absolute
Provided nevertheless and these presents are upon this Express Condition that
whereas the said parties of the first part are Justly and legally indebted
to the said party of the second part in the sum of Two Thousand and Five
hundred Dollars ($250000) as Evidenced by their certain promissory note as follows to wit:
$250000      Gainesville Fla August    1886
    Five years after date we promise to pay to Mrs Julia A. Edwards or
order the sum of Two Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($250000) for value
received with interest from date until paid at the rate of Eight per cent
per annum interest payable Semiannually
               (Sigd)          W.W. Hampton        as Trustee
                              J.D. Matheson       as Trustee
                             H.W. Long           as Trustee
                           Geo K. Broome         as Trustee
                          W.N. Sheats           as Trustee
                          H.F. Dutton          as Trustee
                         T.C. Lanier           as Trustee
Which said money is loaned to the said parties of the first part
by the party of the second part with which to build and construct a
Barracks upon the property of the parties of the first part: Now therefore
if the said parties of the first part shall well and truly pay or Cause
to be paid to the party of the second part or to her heirs or assigns
the amount of the said note together with all interest thereon at
maturity then this obligation to be null and void otherwise to remain
of full force and virtue. And it is further Stipulated and agreed by and

[Written in left margin:]
 I acknowledge full and complete payment, satisfaction and
 cancellation of this mortgage and the note secured thereby
  This 9th day of August AD 1887     Julia A. Edwards  (LS)
J.A. Carlisle
Clerk Cir Court
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 October 2021
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