Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 012
and apart from her husband the said W.W. Bourn did then and there
make and execute the foregoing acknowledgement her name being with her own
hand subscribed and her seal affixed in my presence
Witness my hand and seal at Waldo the day and year above written
                 (Seal)       Robt W. Campbell
                                Notary Public
State of Florida  }
County of Alachua } On this day personally appeared before me W.W. Bourn
to me well known as the person described in and who executed the
foregoing Mortgage and acknowledged that he executed the same for
the purpose therein expressed In Witness Whereof I hereunto
affixed my hand and seal this 13th day of May AD 1886
                (Seal)                   Robt W. Campbell
                                         Notary Public
         Filed June 17th 1886
             Recorded June 22d 1886
                J. A. Carlisle Clerk
                  for S. H. Wienges DC

Richard Evans    }
     to          }       Mortgage Chattel
Leander C. Doane } Know all men by these Presents that whereas
Richard Evans of the above State and County is indebted to Leander
C. Doane of the same State and County in the sum of Seventy five
dollars which said sum is covenanted to be paid by certain
promissory note bearing date with these presents and for the
said sum of seventy five dollars bearing interest at the rate of
ten percent per annum and due Nov 1st 1886. Now therefore
to better secure the payment of said note and interest as expressed
therein I do by these presents grat bargain sell and convey unto the said
Leander C. Doane his heirs and assigns all my right title interest and
claim of in and to all crops of whatsoever species kind or
description now growing or which may hereafter be planted
grown or gathered by me or for me or for my benefit on or off
of any and all lands in Alachua County Florida also the
following described property to wit one Grey mare named
(Fly) about five years old To have and to hold all and
singular the crops and personal property above bargained
and sold unto the said Leander C. Doane his heirs Executors
administrators and assigns forever Provided nevertheless that
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 30 June 2021
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