Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 140
Place" adjoining lands of W. Colson & others measuring and containing one Thousand acres
of land more or less and having such shape & form & marks as will appear by reference
to the map of the "Arredondo Grant" upon which this tract of land is designated
as belonging to "D.L. Clinch" on the plats of the U.S. Government Surveys Saving &
Excepting forty acres thereof heretofore sold to A.J. Elmore off of the North West
corner & designated as subdivision Lot no one Forty Acres Sold to J.B. Dill & Known
as subdivision lot No (4) four and subdivision Lot No Thirty seven Containing
one hundred acres heretofore mortgaged to J. Saunders on Extreem Southern
boundary thereof: Also that lot or tract of land Situated in said
Alachua County & State of Florida and described as Fractional Section
No Thirty four (34) in Township Ten (10) South of Range (19) Nineteen East
containing 174 acres more or less less Seven & 1/4 acres heretofore deeded
to Amos Lewis off of extreme south East corner thereof The lands
herein & hereby mortgaged containing 987 acres more or less
Together with all buildings situated thereon and with all and Singular the
tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
Appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders
rents issues and profits thereof and also all the estate right title interest
dower and right of dower Separate estate property possession claim and
demand whatsoever. To Have and to Hold the above granted and described
premises unto the Travelers Insurance Company and their assigns for their
own proper use and behoof forever. And the said Josiah T. Walls and
Ellen A. Walls the Grantors herein for themselves their heirs executors and
administrators do hereby covenant with The Travelers Insurance Company
Grantees herein and their assigns that at and until the Execution and
delivery of these presents they are well Seized of the premises as a
good and indefeasible Estate in fee simple and have good right to bargain
and sell the same in Manner and form as is above written and
that the same are free from all incumbrances whatsoever. And
further more the said grantors do by these presents bind themselves
and their heirs forever to warrant and defend the above granted and
bargained premises to the said grantees and their assigns against all
claims and demands whatsoever, and whereas the said Josiah T. Walls
and Ellen A. Walls his wife the Grantors are indebted to the said Grantees
in the sum of Six thousand dollars for so much money lent to
them by the Grantees and are obligated to pay the same in manner
and form as is Stipulated in and by a certain First Mortgage Real Estate
Note so called dated the Twentieth day of September AD 1886 for the Sum
of Six Thousand Dollars payable to the order of the Grantees Five Years
from date with interest thereon at the rate of Ten percent per annum
payable semi-annually on the Twentieth days of March and September
of each Year as evidenced by Ten Coupons Attached to said note and
of even date herewith which said note has been executed by the
Grantors and by them delivered to the Grantees the Grantors do
covenant with the Grantees and their assigns that they will
well and truly pay the said principal sum named in said Note
and the interest thereon according to the tenor and effect of the Said

[Written in left margin:]
See Decree Recorded in Judgment Book No 16 pages 132 & 133 Cancelling this Mortgage in so far as it relates to the following described land
"Begin at a Stake on Western Boundary line of D.L. Clinch Grant Run North  on said line 12 Chs & 65 links to Stake thence North 82 1/2 degrees East
80 chains thence South on East Boundary line 12 cha & 65 links thence South 82 1/2 degrees West 80 chains to point of beginning
Feby 11 1915                           S.H. Wienges  Clerk

[Part SEC34 TWP10 R19]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 October 2021
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