Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 141
note and Coupons. And the said Grantors do further covenant with the said
grantees and their assigns that they the said grantors will well and truly pay
all taxes and assessments that have been or shall hereafter be imposed or levied
upon the said premises when and as the same are or shall become due and payable
and save the Grantees and their assigns harmless therefrom, and further that they
the grantors will keep all the buildings fences and other improvements upon
said premises in as good repair and condition as the same as at the date hereof
and further, that they will commit no waste and suffer none to be committed
on the same until the note interest and debt shall be fully paid. And the
said Grantors further covenant with the Grantees and their assigns that
from the date hereof until the full payment of the said note interest and debt
they will as a further security for the money lent to them as aforesaid keep the
buildings on said premises insured against loss or damage by fire in a sum
not less than Three Thousand Dollars in some good and responsible company
or companies approved by the Grantees or their assigns and by policy or policies
payable in case of loss to them the same Grantees or their assigns. Always
Provided and these presents are upon condition that if the said Grantors
shall well and truly pay the said note interest and debt according to
the tenor and effect of the said note and of the said Coupons and
of their covenants herein and shall well and truly perform all their
covenants herein then these presents Shall be void otherwise of
full force and effect. In case the Grantors shall fail to perform their
covenant herein to pay the taxes and assessments on said premises
the Grantees or their assigns may at their option pay the same and
in such case the amount of the taxes and assessments so paid shall
be added to the principal debt and shall be secured hereby in the
same manner and shall draw interest from the time when so paid
at the rate of twelve per cent per annum. And in case of default
in the payment of any interest coupon herein covenanted to be
paid for the period of ten days after the same becomes due or in
default of performance of any covenant herein contained the said
grantors agree to pay to the Grantees or their assigns interest at
the rate of twelve per cent per annum upon said principal Sum
of Six Thousand Dollars from the time when the same was advanced
and loaned by the Grantees and interest shall be so completed and
any payments made on account of interest shall be credited in
said computation so that the total amount of interest Collected
shall be and not exceed the legal rate of twelve per cent
And if the Grantors fail, to perform their said Covenant for
insurance on the buildings on said premises the Grantees may
at their option procure the same to be insured in like manner
as is herein Stipulated by the Grantors and in Such case the
premiums and expense of Such insurance shall be added
to the principal on the buildings on said premises the Grantees may
at their option procure the same to be insured in like manner
as is herein Stipulated by the Grantors and in Such case the
premiums and expense of Such insurance shall be added
to the principal debt and be secured hereby in the same
manner and shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per
annum. It is agreed that the Grantees or their assigns may at any
time demand repayment of any moneys so paid by them for taxes
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 October 2021
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