Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 142
assessments or insurance together with the said interest thereon and that if Such moneys and
interest shall not be paid when so demanded the Grantees or their assigns may at their
option declare the whole amount secured by these presents including principal and
interest to be due and may proceed to Collect the same by foreclosure or otherwise according
to law. It is also agreed that of any part of the principal sum or of the interest
due on said note and hereby secured shall remain unpaid for the space of ten days
after the same shall become due and payable according to the tenor and effect
of said note or if the Grantors shall fail to perform any of their covenants herein
then in such case the Grantors or their assigns may at their option declare the
principal sum secured hereby and the interest thereon to be due and payable and
may proceed to collect the same by foreclosure or otherwise according to law.
All benefit of any appraisement or stay law now existing or which may hereafter be
enacted is hereby expressly waived by the grantors: but it is agreed that it shall
be at the option of the Grantees or their assigns to avail themselves of this waiver or not
as they may Elect at the time Judgment of foreclosure is entered should this
mortgage be foreclosed. In case legal proceedings for the foreclosure shall be
commenced by the Grantees or their assigns they shall thereupon be entitled to the
immediate possession of the premises and to the rents profits and Emblements
thereof and the Grantors agree to pay all Attorneys' fees and other expenses attending
the foreclosure this mortgage or the collection of the debt hereby secured according to
law. In Witness Whereof the said Josiah T. Walls and Ellen A. Walls his
wife have hereunto set their respective hand and seals on the Twentieth
day of September aforesaid AD 1886 at Gainesville in the State of Florida
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of }
     N. Runge                              }  Josiah T. Walls   (seal)
     B.F. Hampton                          }  Ellen A. Walls    (seal)
State of Florida } SS
County of Alachua}  Know all men by these presents that I Ellen A.
Walls wife of the above named Josiah T. Walls do by these presents made
and executed by me separate and apart from my said husband and in
the presence of B.F. Hampton a Notary Public of the said County of Alachua
State of Florida acknowledge and declare that I did make myself a party
to and executed the foregoing mortgage Deed for the purpose of conveying
my right of Dower and separate Estate and all my right title and interest
in and to the lands in said deed described and mortgaged and that I did the
Same freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion constraint fear
or apprehension of or from my said husband. In Witness Whereof I hereunto
subscribe my name and affix my seal this Twenty First day of September
AD 1886
Signed and Sealed in the presence of
   B.F. Hampton    (  )    Notary Public            Ellen A. Walls
                 ( Seal )
                   (  )
   W.W. Hampton
State of Florida  }  SS
County of Alachua } To all whom it may concern: Be it known that
on this Twenty First day of September AD 1886 personally appeared before
me a Notary Public of said County of Alachua State of Florida the
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 October 2021
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