Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 147
amount do hereby Covenant grant promise and agree to and
with the said parties of the second part and do hereby become
bound unto them as follows that in Case the said Church or
Corporation parties of the first part Shall Cease to be Con-
nected with the said General Assembly or the Corporate
existance of the said parties of the first part Shall Cease
or their house of Worship or the mortgaged premises be al-
ienated or be abandoned as a house of public Worship
then and in Such Case they the said parties of the first
part Shall and will forthwith refund and they here-
by Covenant and agree to pay to the said parties of the
second part their successors or assigns the said amount
with interest thereon from the time of receiving it and
upon the happening of either of such Contingencies
the said Sum of money with the interest thereon Shall
be due and payable to the party of the second part their
Successors and assigns.
This Indenture further Witnesseth, that the said parties
of the first part for the better securing the performance
by them of their Covenant and obligation above men-
tioned and the repayment of the said amount with
interest thereon from the time of receiving it to the said
parties of the second part in case the above mentioned
and in Consideration of one Dollar to them paid by
said parties of the second part, the receipt of which is
acknowledged have granted, bargained Sold Conveyed and
Confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain Sell
Convey and Confirm unto the parties of the Second part and
to their Successors and assigns forever All Lot (4) Four in
Block (17) Seventeen in the Town of Hawthorn State
of Florida and County of Alachua. Together with all
and Singular the tenements hereditaments and appur-
tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining
and the revision and revisions remainder and remainders
rents issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate
right title and interest whatsoever as well in law as in
equity of the parties of the first part of in and to the
Same and every part thereof with the appurtenances:
To have and to hold the above granted and described
premises with the appurtenances unto the parties of the
Second part their Successors and assigns to their own proper
use benefit and behoof forever. Provided always and
these presents are upon this express Condition that if
the parties of the first part their Successors and assigns
Shall well and truly Keep perform and fulfill each of
their Covenants and obligations hereinabove Contained and
and Shall in the Case herein above provided well and
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 12 December 2021
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