Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 148
truly refund unto the Said parties of the Second part the
said amount with interest thereon from the time of receiving
it then these presents and the Estate hereby granted Shall
Cease determine and be void. And the parties of the first part
for themselves their successors and assigns do Covenant and
agree to and with the said parties of the second part
that in case the said parties of the first part or their Suc-
cessors Shall Cease to be Connected with said General
Assembly or the Corporate existence of the said parties
of the first part Shall Cease or their house of worship
or said Mortgaged premises be alienated or be abandoned
as a house of worship by the parties of the first part except
for the building or purchase of a better one that then
it Shall be lawful for the parties of the second part their
Successors or assigns to enter unto and upon all and Singular
the premises hereby granted or intended so to be and to sell
and dispose of the Same and all benefit and equity of
redemption of the parties of the first part their Successors
or assigns therein at public Auction according to any act
in such cases made and provided and as the attorney
of the parties of the first part for that purpose by these
presents duly authorized Constituted and appointed to make
and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers thereof of a good
and sufficient deed or deeds of Conveyance in the law for
the Same in fee Simple and out of the money arising
from such sale to retain the said amount herein first
above mentioned and interest therein as herein above
provided together with the Costs and Charges of adver-
tisement and sale of the said premises rendering the
over plus of the purchase money (if any there be) unto
the parties of the first part their Successors or assigns:
Which sale to be made shall forever be a perpetual
bar both in law and equity, against the parties of the
first part their Successors and assigns and all other
persons claiming or to claim the premises or any part
thereof by from or under them or either of them
or to make Sale and Conveyance in any way authorized
by law and to take each and every proceeding by
foreclosure or otherwise to recover realize and Collect
the money Secured hereby in any Court having Jurisdic-
tion. And the said parties of the first part further
agree to effect through the Board an insurance upon
their Church building against loss or damage by
fire in such incorporated Company as the board
may Select, in the amount secured by this Mort-
gage for the term of five years from the date hereof
and to renew said insurance through the Board from
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 12 December 2021
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