Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 180
Wm H. Leas          }
     To             }  Release of Mortgage
Josiah T. Walls     }

State of Iowa } SS
Polk County   }   I, William H. Leas (Executor
of Est of Jno W. Gustine) of the County of 
Polk State of Iowa do hereby acknowledge
that a certain indenture of mortgage bearing
date the _______ day of _____ AD 1884 made and
Executed by Josiah T. Walls and Ella T. Walls
his wife, to John W. Gustine on the following
described premises situated in the County of
Alachua and State of Florida, all of that
parcel of land within the boundaries of the
Arredondo Grant formally known as the
Hein place and again as the Ramsey place
and in shape as will appear by reference to
the maps in current use of the Arredondo Grant
made by Burr and Washington in conformity with 
the survey and division of said Arredondo Grant
under the direction of the Commrs appointed by
the Superior Court of East Florida at the
June term of the AD 1845 and dated at
St Augustine 9 Febry 1846 upon which said
maps this land is designated as belonging
to D.L. Clinch said maps being especially
refered to, containing One Thousand acres more
or less, also one other piece of land adjoining
the said described D.L. Clinch Grant, known
and described as fractional section 34 Township
10 Range 19 of the Arredondo Grant, containing
174 50/100 Acres. Both of said tracts containing
what is known as the Walls Plantation contain
ing in all, 1174 & 50/100 acres of land excepting the
100 acres of land known as the Sanden land
and the 40 acres of land known as the
Burre, land, and the 40 acres known as the
Dill land, comprising in the aggregate, 181
acres all of which last mentioned tracts of
land it is expressly intended not to include
in or cover by the lein of this mortgage
and recorded in the office of the Recorder of
the County of Alachua and State of Florida
in Book G, of Mortgage pages 213-214-215 on
the 31st day of March AD 1884 at _ oclock _M
is redeemed paid off, satisfied and discharged

[part SEC34 TWP10 R19]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 October 2021
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