Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 182
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Before me personally came Joseph
S. McDonell who being duly sworn says that
he saw Jacob Row sign, seal and deliver
the within mortgage to John L. Fleming
for the purposes and uses therein contained
and Expressed
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day
of February A.D. 1886
   (  )    E.L. Young    }    J.S. McDonell  (seal)
 ( Seal )  Notary Public }
   (  )
              Filed for Record October 25th 1886
                  Recorded October 27th 1886
                          J.A. Carlisle

A.B. Young  }
   To       }  Mortgage 
H.C. Parker }
State of Florida  }   
County of Alachua } Know all men by these 
presents, That whereas A.B. Young of above State 
and County is indebted to H.C. Parker of 
the same State and County in the sum of 
Seventy-three 83/100 Dollars lawful money of 
the United States, which said sum is Expressed 
in on certain promissory note, bearing date 
February 13th 1886 and for the said sum of 
Seventy-Three 83/100 Dollars and falling due on 
1st dat November, A.D. 1886, with interest at 
2 percent after maturity, Now therefore to better 
secure the said H.C. Parker in full payment 
of said note and interest as Expressed I do 
by these presents, grant, bargain, sell and convey 
unto the said H.C. Parker, his heirs and 
assigns all my right, title, interest and 
claim of, in and to all the crops of whatsoever 
species, Kind or description now growing or 
which may hereafter be planted, grown or gathered 
by me or for me or for my benefit on or off of 
any and all lands in Alachua County, Florida. 
Also the following described property to wit: 
One Grey Mare about Twelve year old named Nellie
One Iron Grey Horse Two years old named Conkling
Fifteen head of Cattle Marked Smooth crop In one
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 15 November 2021
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