Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 186
according to the Condition of the said bond and also
in Consideration of the further Sum of Three dollars
to us in hand paid by "The Central City Building and
Loan association" aforesaid at and before the sealing
and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged Have granted bargained Sold
and released and by these presents do grant bargain
sell and release unto "The Central City Building and
Loan Association, the following described tract or
parcel of land lying and Situate in the City of
Gainesville Alachua County State of Florida to wit:
Beginning for the Same one hundred and Eighty three
(183) feet northerly from the South East Corner of lot
number Twenty Seven (27) as laid down in Brushes
addition to the City of Gainesville in Said County
and State and running thence North along the
East boundary line of said lot Ninety Nine (99)
feet thence Westerly and parallel to the South
boundary line of said lot herein Conveyed Two
hundred and Sixty (260) feet thence Southerly
and parallel to the East boundary line of said lot
Ninety nine (99) feet thence Easterly in a Straight
line Two hundred and Sixty (260) feet to the place
of beginning reserving twelve feet on the Easterly
boundary line thereof for a public Street.
Together with all and Singular the Tenements Heredi-
taments and Appurtenances to the said premises
belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining
To Have and to hold all and Singular the said
premises unto "The Central City Building and Loan
Association" their Successors and assigns in fee Simple
forever. And we each do hereby bind myself my heirs
administrators and assigns to Warrant and forever defend
unto "The Central City Building and Loan association"
their Successors and assigns against our heirs and
assigns and every other person Claiming the Same or
any part thereof Provided Always Nevertheless and it
is the true intent and meaning of the parties to these
presents that if we the said M.M. Lewey and B.K.
Lewey do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be
paid unto "The Central City Building and Loan asso-
ciation" the said debt or sum of money aforesaid
with the interest thereon if any Shall be due
and shall perform all the obligations according to
the true interest and meaning of the aforesaid bond
and the Conditions thereunder written then this deed
of bargain and sole shall Cease determine and
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 15 November 2021
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