Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 187
be utterly null and void; otherwise it Shall remain in full
force and Virtue. And it is further agreed that we the
Said M.M. Lewey and B.K. Lewey shall and will insure
the house and building in said premises and Keep the
Same insured against loss or damage by fire in such
Sum as the Board of directors may determine and
assign the policy to the said association; and shall
pay all taxes that may be assessed on said premises
or "The Central City Building and Loan Association"
may cause the said premises to be insured in their
own name or pay the taxes on said premises, and may
at once reimburse themselves for such premiums
and expense of such insurance for the amount
paid for taxes penalties and costs under this mortgage,
and the mortgagors further agree to pay all Costs and
attorneys fees incurred by the mortgages or its assigns
in the Collection of this mortgage by suit or otherwise
And it is further agreed that the said M.M. Lewey
and B.K. Lewey may hold and enjoy the mortgaged
premises until default may be made in the
performance of the Conditions of this deed and the
bond aforesaid
In Witness whereof we the said M.M. Lewey and B.K.
Lewey hereunto set our hands and affix our seals
the Twentieth day of October in the Year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eighty Six
Signed Sealed and delivered }  Mathew M. Lewey  (LS)
in the presence of          }  Bessie K. Lewey  (LS)
Burt C. Drake               }
B.A. Thrasher               }

The State of Florida }
County of Alachua    } Personally came before me
Mathew M. Lewey and his wife B.K. Lewey to me well known
who acknowledged the due execution and delivery of the above
Deed and foregoing Bond for the uses therein Set forth and
expressed                     Mathew M. Lewey
Taken and acknowledged        Bessie K. Lewey
before me this twentieth
day of October 1886
(LS)  B.A. Thrasher
           Notary Public State of Florida at Large
The State of Florida }
County of Alachua    } I B.A. Thrasher Notary Public
do hereby Certify unto all whom it may Concern
that Bessie K. Lewey wife of the within named
Mathew M. Lewey did this day appear before me
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 15 November 2021
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