Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 188
and upon being privately and separately examined by me
did declare that she does freely voluntarily and without
any Compulsion Constraint apprehension or fear of or from
her said husband renounce release and forever relinquish
unto the within named "The Central City Building and
Loan Association" of Gainesville Fla its Successors
and assigns all her interest and estate and also all
her right and claim of dower of in or to all and Singular
the premises within mentioned and released.
Signed Sealed and delivered in }     Bessie K. King  (LS)
our presence                   }
Burt C. Drake                  }
B.A. Thrasher                  }
Given under my hand
and seal this Twentieth day of
October Anno Domini 1886
    (LS)  B.A. Thrasher
            Notary Public
              State of Fla
                 at Large
    Filed Oct 26th 1886 Recorded Oct 28th 1886
                            J.A. Carlisle  Clerk

M.M. Lewey                                     }
    to                                         }  Mortgage
The Central City Building and Loan Association }
                The State of Florida }
                County of Alachua    }  To all whom these presents may concern
Greeting Whereas Mathew M. Lewey and Bessie K. Lewey his wife of the County and
State aforesaid in and by a certain Bond or obligation bearing even date with
these presents Stand firmly held and bound unto "The Central City Building
and Loan Association in the penal sum of Four hundred dollars conditioned for
the payment of the monthly sum of Four  67/100 Dollars installment and interest
payable on the Second monday in Each month succeeding this date until
each and every share of the Stock of said Association shall be of the value
of one Hundred Dollars as in and by said bond reference being thereunto
had will more fully appear. Now Know all men that we the said M.
M. Lewey and B.K. Lewey in consideration of the Bond aforesaid

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 16 November 2021
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