Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 021
 W.M. Rhoads    }                   Maria E. Rhoads
Rohena Whitcomb }                   Executrix of W.H. Rhoads  Decd
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } This day personally came before the subscriber
a Justice of the Peace in and for said County Mrs Maria E. Rhoads
with whom I am personally acquainted and acknowledged the execution
of the foregoing instrument for the uses and purposes therein expressed
Witness my hand & Seal at Melrose Florida this 19th day of April AD 1886
                           Thos H. Fletcher  (seal)
                             Justice of the Peace
   Filed June 22d 1886
       Recorded June 22d 1886
              J.A. Carlisle  Clerk  
                pr S.H. Wienges DC
George G. Withington }
      to             }         Mortgage Chattel
John R. Withington   }
   State of Florida }
  Alachua County    } This Indenture of Mortgage entered into
this fifteenth (15th) day of June AD 1886 between George G.
Withington of said State and County the party of the first
part and John R. Withington of Savannah Georgia the
party of the second part Witnesseth that whereas the said
party of the first part is Justly indebted to the said party 
of the second part in the sum of one thousand dollars
($100000) Now to secure the payment of the said sum of one Thousand
dollars Evidenced by the promissory note made by the party of
the first part to the party of the second part bearing even
date here with for the sum of one Thousand dollars and
in consideration of five dollars to him paid by the party
of the second part The said party of the first part does
by these presents sell convey and Mortgage unto the party 
of the second part all that certain General Stock of
stationary school and miscellaneous Books Musical
merchandise picture frame safe desk office furniture
and appurtenances this day purchased by the party
of the first part from John C. Eastman The condition
of the above obligation is such that if the said party
of the first part shall well and truly pay to the said
party of the second part the said sum of one Thousand
dollars according to the tenor & effect of the said promissory
note then this obligation together with said promissory note
shall be void Else to remain in full force and virtue
In testimony whereof Witness my hand and seal the day
and year first above written 
      Witnesses }            Geo G. Withington  (seal)
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 17 July 2021
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