Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 022
 J.G. Hodges    }
George R. Ellis }
      State of Florida } Personally appeared before me George G. Withington
      Alachua County   } the Grantor in the above Mortgage who
acknowledged that he signed sealed and delivered the foregoing instrument of
writing for the purposes therein expressed }
Taken and acknowledged before me this the  }        Geo G. Withington
20th day of June AD 1886                    }
             J.A. Carlisle                 }
              for S.H. Wienges DC          }
   Filed June 25th 1886
       Recorded June 25th 1886
                J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                  pr S.H. Wienges DC

G.A. Brown  }
   to       }  Mortgage Chattel
C.W. Scurry }
$30,                Orange Hights Alachua Fla May 27th  1886
        On the Fifteenth day of June next I promise to pay to the order
of C.W. Scurry at Lake City South Carolina Thirty Dollars value
received  Witness my hand and seal
                                        G.A. Brown   (LS)
The State of Florida }
County of Alachua    } Whereas I am indebted to C.W. Scurry in the sum
of Thirty Dollars and have given my note therefor of even date with
these presents (a copy of which is hereto annexed) payable on the
Fifteenth day of June AD 1886 Now in order to secure the payment of
said note and in consideration of the sum of Five dollars to me in
hand paid I do hereby grant bargain and sell unto the said C.W.
Scurry the following goods and chattels to wit one two horse wagon
left in my possession by the said C.W. Scurry when he left the
State aforesaid last said wagon said to be worth forty dollars
To Have and to hold all and singular the said goods and chattels
unto the said C.W. Scurry and his assigns forever Provided
nevertheless that if the said mortgagor shall pay to the 
mortgagee the sum herein above mentioned when due this Mortgage
is to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect. And Provided
further that the said mortgagor may retain possession of said
goods and chattels until default be made in the payment of the
said note but if the same is not paid when due or if before the
said note is due the said mortgagor shall attempt to make way
with or secure said goods and chattels or any part thereof from
the place where they now are then and in either event the
said mortgagor or his agent shall have the right without suit
or process to take possession of said goods and chattels wherever
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 24 July 2021
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