Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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City Building and Loan association of Gainesville Florida its success
ors and assigns all her interest and seperate astate of in or to all and
singular the premises within mentioned and released
Given under my hand and seal         }             Ida Streeper   (LS)
this 29th day of Nov Anno Domini 1886}
(LS)                  Julius Stark   }
                      Notary Public  }

Filed for Record Movember 29th 1886 and
            Recorded November 29th 1886
                                  J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                 pr E.C. Wimberly D.C.

Z.T. Taylor                }
   To                      }          Mortgage Chattel
The Mansfied Machine Works }
Know all men by these presents, That Z.T. Taylor of the Township
of Arrendondo County of Alachua and State of Florida Mortga
gors, have this day bargained and sold and do hereby bargain and 
sell unto the Mansfield Machine Works (an incorporated company
of Mansfield Richland County Ohio mortgages for the sum of
one thousand nine hundred dollars in hand paid receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged the following described personal
property to wit.
one Mansfield Rattler Engine No 2253. One Mansfield Rattler Boiler
No 2253. One Mansfield simple circular saw mill No 1663 and all
shafting pulleys belts pipes tools fittings and attachments furnished
with said Mill including 1 - 52" solid tooth saw, said Engine boiler
and Mill being that purchased by said Mortgageor from said Mort
gagee under their mutually signed contract dated Nov 29th 1886
The conditions of this Chattel Mortgage is such That whereas the said
mortgagors are indebted to the said mortgagee in the sum of one
thousand nine hundred Dollars with the interest and attorneys
fees, according to the terms of three certain promissory notes sign
ed by said mortgagors pay able to The Mansfield Machine Works
or order without relief from valuation or appraisement laws de
scribed as follows to wit
One note for $633 33/100 dated Jan 1st 1887 due Jan 1st 1888
One note for $633 33/100 dated Jan 1st 1887 due Jan 1st 1889
One note for $633 33/100 dated Jan 1st 1887 due Jan 1st 1890
To secure said notes and renewals or extentions thereof this mortgage
is given. Now if the said Mortgagors shall well and truly pay said
notes at Maturity with all the interest thereon and attorneys fees
then this instrument shall be void: otherwise to remain in full
force. It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the
mortgagors may retain possession of the property hereby sold
until any of the notes hereby secured shall become due
Transcribed by Kaley Behl 9 January 2011
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