Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Book 11 Page 225
State of Florida  }     ss
County of Alachua }   Before me a Notary Public in and for said County
and State this Twenty ninth day of November AD 1886 personally appeared
Z.T. Taylor to me well Known and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing in
strument as his free act and deed.
                        Witness my hand and Official Seal
                    seal                      Chas O. Hampton
                                            Notary Pub State at Large

Filed for Record November 29th 1886 and Recorded November 30th 1886
                                               J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                                 By E.C. Wimberly DC

Dock Rogers    }
    To         }      Mortgage Chattel
C.W. Bauknight }

State of Florida     This Indenture made and entered into
County of Alachua    on this 29th day of November AD 1886
Witnesseth that Dock Rogers of the above State and County in
Consideration of the sum of Thirty Five & 30¢ dollars already ad
vanced by and now due to Charles W. Bauknight, merchant, by the
said Dock Rogers the recepit whereof is hereby acknowledged
and for further consideration that the said Charles W. Bauknight
shall and will make such further advances in provisions merchan
dise and supplies as may be necessary in the judgement of said
Charles W. Bauknight to enable said Dock Rogers to make harvest
and prepare for market his crops of all kinds during the year AD 1887
such further advances not to exceed Ten dollars, now therefore to fully se
cure said Charles W. Bauknight the full payment of all amounts hertofore
advanced and that may be advanced in the future and for the further
consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid do by these presents
grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Charles W. Bauknight
and his heirs or assigns all the right title interest and claim of the
said Dock Rogers his heirs execution administrators and assigns of in
and to all the crops of every species and kind now planted or to be
planted or grown or gathered by me or for me or for my benefit
on or off of any and all lands in Alachua County either du
ring the current year 1887 or during any and every subsequent
year until the debt hereby secured is fully paid together with all
interest that has or may accrue as well as all expenses of every
kind that may attend the collection of the said debt: also the
following described personal property to wit:
One sorrel Mare name Minnie and her increase.
To Have and to Hold all and singular the crop and person
al property bargained and sold unto the said Charles W.
Bauknight his heirs or assigns forever - 
Transcribed by Kaley Behl 9 January 2011
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