Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 226
Provided nevertheless that if the said Dock Roggers Shall well and truly pay 
or cause to be paid unto the Said Charles W. Bauknight the full amount 
of account and advances heretofore made and that hereafter may or shall
be made by the said Charles W. Bauknight said note together with the charges fir
Commissions and interest on the same then this obligation to be void
else to remain in full force and Virtue. And it is hereby further agreed 
that all amounts are due and payable on delivery of the goods and that
this instrument may be Enforced at any time at the option of the said
Charles W. Bauknight and it is herby further agreed that should it become
necessary to force this instrument by legal proceedings the said Dock
Roggers his heirs or assigns will pay therefor all attorney's fees Charges and 
Expenses, In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my 
seal this 29th day of November AD 1886     his                           
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence }         Dick X Roggers (Seal)
of us as Witnesses                      }             mark
   Edward L. Young                      }       
   J.S. McDonell                        }
State of Florida }  Before me personally came Joseph
Alachua County   }  S. McDonell who being duly sworn says 
that he saw Dock Roggers Sign seal and deliver the foregoing 
instrument of writing for the uses and purposes therein Contained 
and Expressed                                       J.S. McDonell
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 29th day of November AD 1886
                    (  )                          Edward L. Young
                  ( Seal )                        Notary Public
                    (  )                          State at Large

 Filed for Record December 1st 1886 and  Recorded December 1st 1886 
                                                  J.A. Carlisle  Clerk              
                                                  pr E.C. Wimberly DC
Howard & Co            }
  To                   }  Mortgage Chattel
Wm D. Wheelwright & Co }
                        This Indenture made this 20th day of Novem
ber AD 1886 between Samuel H. Howard and Albert G. Smith
partners doing business under the firm name and Style of
Howard & Co of the County of Alachua State of Florida parties of
the first part, and William D. Wheelwright and Charles R. Hewitt
partners doing business under the firm name of William D. Wheel
wright & Co at Fernandina Fla parties of the second part
Whereas the said parties of the first part are justly indebted to
the said parties of the second part in the sum of two Thousand
dollars for acceptance or advances made by said parties of
the second part for said parties of the first part which in-
debtedness is evidenced by a certain promissory Note
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 7 November 2021
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