Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 228
E.W. Gillen }
  To        }  Release of Mortgage
J.B. Ley    }

State of Florida }
County of Duval  } I, E.W. Gillen of Duval County Florida do
hereby acknowledge full payment and satisfaction of a Certain Mortgage
given by J.B. Ley to me for One Hundred dollars and recorded in the
Public Records of Alachua County Florida, Witness my hand and seal
this 10th day of Feby 1886
Witnesses                                 E.W. Gillen   (Seal)
C. Beckham
M.R. Bacon

State of Florida } On this day personally appeared before
County of Duval  } me E.W. Gillen to me well known and ac
Knowledged that he executed the above release of Mortgage for the
purposes therein Expressed. Witness my hand and Seal this day
and year last above written
                    (  )          T.E. Buckman  Clerk
                  ( Seal )      By C. Buckman    DC
                    (  )
Filed for Record December 3rd 1886 and Recorded December 3rd 1886
                                    J.A. Carlisle   Clerk
                                    By E.C. Wimberly DC

Tillman Gordon       }
  To                 }   Mortgage  Chattel 
William A. Colclough }

State of Florida } Know all men by these Presents That whereas 
Alachua County   } I, Tillman Gordon of Above State and County 
is indebted to William A. Colclough of the same State and 
County in the sum of one hundred and Seventy five dollars
lawful money of the United States which said sum is Expressed
in Two Certain promissory note bearing date and for the said sum 
of one hundred & Seventy five dollars and falling due on the
1st Nov/87 & 1st Nov AD 188  with interest at 8 pr ct pr annum
Now therefore to better Secure Said notes in full payment of
said note and interest as Expressed I do by these presents grant 
bargain sell and Convey unto the said Wm A. Colclough his heirs 
and assigns all my right title interest and claim of in and to 
all the Crops of whatsoever species Kind or description now 
growing or which may hereafter be planted grown or gathered by 
me or for me or for my benefit on or off of any and all 
lands in Alachua County Florida: Also the following described 
property to wit: Two Mules & one mare & Colt -
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 7 November 2021
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