Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 023
they may be found and may sell the same or so much as may be necessary
at pubic auction for cash after giving notice by advertisement five days
days and shall apply the proceeds of said sale to the discharge of said
debt interest and expenses and pay any surplus to the said mortgagor
and his assigns. In Witness Whereof I the said mortgagor do hereunto
set my hand and seal this 27th day of May AD 1886
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of }
         J.G. Brown                            }   G.A. Brown  (LS)
        E.H. Williams                          }
The State of Florida }
County of Alachua    } Personally appeared before me E.H. Williams
and made oath that he saw the within named G.A. Brown sign
seal and as his act and deed deliver the within written deed and
that he with J.G. Brown witnessed the execution thereof
  Sworn to before me this 27th day }
  of May AD 1886                   }  E. H. Williams
   (  )   F.W. Bellmer             }
 ( Seal )  Notary Public in and
   (  )     for Alachua Co Fla
    For 3000 I hereby transfer and set over to E.S. Sauls & Sons all
my rights titles and claims to the within note & Mortgage
May 29th 1886
          Witness                             C.W. Scurry
           J.H. Sauls
                   Filed June 25th 1886
                      Recorded June 26th 1886
                        J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                             pr S.H. Wienges DC

 A.R. Miller       }
    to             }  Release of Mortgage
M. and F.X. Miller }
      State of North Carolina }
      Lenoir County           } Know all men by these presents that
I A.R. Miller of Kinston Lenoir County in the State of North
Carolina do hereby acknowledge and declare a certain mortgage
made and executed to me by Martha A. Miller and F.X. Miller her
husband of Gainesville in Alachua County Florida dated June the
first AD 1881 to secure a note for five thousand dollars payable
Eighteen months after its date to be fully paid settled and
satisfied. The said mortgage is recorded at pages seven hundred and
fifty one (751) - 752 and 753 of Mortgage book "E" of the public records
of Alachua County State of Florida and hereby declare and and
acknowledge the said Mortgage to be and the same is hereby
forever cancelled and annulled
   Witness my hand and seal this - day of - AD 1886
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 26 July 2021
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