Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 025
A.G. Randle }                Mayfield & Sewell  (seal)
J.R Eddins  }                 per J.C. Mayfield   (seal)
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Before me personally came  _ _  . who being duly
sworn says that he J.C. Mayfield signed sealed and delivered the
foregoing instrument of writing for the uses and the purposes therein
contained and expressed
                           Mayfield & Sewell
                            per J.C. Mayfield
Sworn to and subscribed before me this twenty nineth day of June
AD 1886  (  )
       ( Seal )               S.F. Halliday
         (  )                   Notary Public
                    Filed June 19th 1886
                      Recorded June 29th 1888
                          J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                           pr S.H. Weinges DC

Smith & Dexter }
     to        }     Mortgage Chattel
Chas S. Smith  }
      State of Florida } Know all men by these presents that whereas
    County of Alachua  } W.J. Smith & Frank Dexter partners doing business
under the firm name of Smith & Dexter above State and County are indebted
to Chas S. Smith of the same State and County in the sum of Eight
Hundred dollars lawful money of the United States which said sum
is expressed certain in one promissory Note bearing date May 31st
1886 and for the said sum of Eight hundred dollars and falling
due on Nov 30th AD 1886 with interest at ten per cent per annum
Now therefore to better secure said Chas S. Smith in full payment of
said note and interest as expressed we do by these presents grant
bargain sell and convey unto the said Chas S. Smith & to his heirs
and assigns all my right title interest and claim to the following
described property to wit One Erie Engine and boiler one (1) Lame
saw mill with Disston saw one Swing cut off saw one Crate Machine
one planer together with all the Shafting pulleys and belts
for the operation of said Machines and all tools of whatsoever
and all lumber now sawed and stacked at our mill Lot at Orange Land
near Hawthorn Alachua County State of Florida. To Have and to
Hold all and singular personal property above bargained and
sold unto the said Chas S. Smith heirs executors administrators
and assigns forever Provided nevertheless that if the said Smith &
Dexter should well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the
said Chas S. Smith the full amount of said note together with the
interest according to its tenor and effect then this instrument to be
void else to remain in full force and virtue. And it is hereby further
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 7 August 2021
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