Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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and profits thereof: and also all the estate right title interest dower
property possession claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity
of the said parties of the first part of in and to the same and every
part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances. To have and to hold
the above granted bargained and described premises unto the said party of
the second part his heirs and assigns forever. Provided always and these presents
are upon this express condition that if the said Sarah E. Maxwell and D.E. Maxwell
her husband parties of the first part their heirs and assigns shall well
and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said party of the second
part his heirs or assigns the said sum of money mentioned according to
the true intent and meaning of said promissory note hereby secured
to be paid at maturity with the interest thereon as specified therein
together with all costs charges and expenses which the said
party of the second part may incur or be put to collecting the
same by foreclosure or otherwise including reasonable attorney's fees
that then these presents and the estate hereby granted shall cease
determine and be absolutely null and void. And the said parties of the
first part for themselves their executors and administrators and heirs do
covenant with the said party of the second part his heirs executors
and administrators and assigns that at the ensealing and delivery
of these presents the said Sarah E. Maxwell is lawfully seized in
her own right of the said premises in fee simple and that they have
good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same to the
said party of the second part and that the said premises are
free and discharged from all taxes judgements liens and encumbrances
of any and every nature and description whatsoever. And the said
parties of the first part further covenant and agree to and with
said party of the second part that upon default of the payment
of the said promissory note or the interest thereon when the same
is due and payable by the terms thereof or upon failure on the
part of said parties of the first part to perform any of the
covenants and conditions of these presents that the whole amount
of the debt or sum of money hereby secured and promised to be paid
shall upon such default or failure immediately become due and
payable and said party of the second part shall or may
thereupon at his option proceed to collect the same by
foreclosure or otherwise. In Witness Whereof the said parties of
the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the
day and year first above written.
  Signed sealed and delivered in presence of } Sarah E. Maxwell  (seal)
     Chas W. Lewis                           } D.E. Maxwell     (seal)
     John A. Edwards                         }
State of Florida }
County of Nassau } Know all men by these presents that I Sarah
E. Maxwell wife of the above named D. Elwell Maxwell do by these 
presents made and executed by me separate and apart from my
said husband and in the presence of John A. Edwards Clerk of the
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 7 June 2021
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