Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 030
consideration of the sum of one dollar to us in hand paid by said Adolph
G. Kraitzer Jr have granted bargained sold conveyed and mortgaged and
by these presents do grant bargain sell convey and mortgage unto him the
said Adolph G. Kraitzer Jr the individual one half interest and estate of the
said Kate A. Taylor of in and to all that certain piece parcel lot or tract of
land Situated lying and being in Alachua County in the State of Florida
which is particular known designated and described upon a map or plat of what is 
known as the "Leitner Lands" in Section Nine (9) of the Moses E. Levy Grant of Twenty
Thousand acres made by Wm C. Miller Civil Engineer as being Lot or subdivision No.
Seventy four (74) of said "Leitner Lands" Together with all and singular the tenements
hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining
To Have and to Hold the same unto him the said Adolph G. Kraitzer Jr and to
his heirs executors and administrators and assigns forever Provided always nevertheless
and this instrument is executed and delivered upon this expressed condition
That if we the said Richard B. Taylor or Kate A. Taylor shall and do well and
truly pay or cause to be paid the full amount of the said above mentioned
promissory note for Fifteen hundred dollars at the time or before the time
as hereinafter provided the same shall fall due together with all interest
thereon to accrue according to the legal tenor and effect of the said
promissory note and shall also pay all reasonable fees of attorneys for
the enforcement hereof if an enforcement thereof becomes necessary then
this instrument to become wholly null and void else to remain in full
force and virtue. And it is hereby further Stipulated and agreed that in
the event any semi-annual installment of interest that shall fall due
upon said note shall remain due and unpaid for a longer period than
sixty days then the said A.G. Kraitzer Jr at his option shall have
the right to demand the whole principal and interest of said note
and the whole principal and interest upon such demand shall become due
and payable. And it is hereby further expressly stipulated that the
mortgages hereby shall have the right at any time after the lapse of
one year from the date of said promissory note to pay up the full
amount thereof principal and interest if they see proper upon giving
to the Mortgagee herein Ninety (90) days notice of such intended
payment upon which payment being thus made this instrument is
to become null and void In Witness whereof the said parties have hereunto
set their hands and affixed hereto their seals on this 29th day of June AD 1886
Signed sealed & delivered in presence }
of said witnesses                     }    K. A. Taylor   (seal)
          J. A. Carlisle              }     R. B. Taylor  (seal)
        R. A. Taylor                  }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } I J. A. Carlisle the Clerk of the Circuit Court in &
for Alachua County do hereby certify that on this 29th day of June
AD 1886 before me in person appeared Richard B. Taylor and
Kate A. Taylor his wife both to me well and personally known each
of whom did duly and severally say and acknowledge before me that
they and each of them did execute sign seal and deliver the
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 28 September 2021
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