Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Book 11 Page 031
foregoing Mortgage for the uses and purposes therein contained and expressed
and I further certify that on this day the said Kate A.Taylor was first
duly questioned and examined by me separate and apart from her said
husband and that upon such private and separate examination
she did say and acknowledge before me that she did execute sign
seal and deliver the said foregoing Mortgage of her separate
property and estate freely and voluntarily and without any
compulsion constraint apprehension or fear of or from her said husband
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my    }
hand and affixed hereto my official seal in the}    K.A. Taylor
presence of the said parties the day and year  }    R.B. Taylor
above written                                  }
    (Seal)    J.A Carlisle                     }
                Clerk Cir Court                }
                          Filed June 29th 1886
                          Recorded June 30th 1886
                                  J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                    pr S.H. Wienges DC
George K. Broome   }
      to           }       Release of Mortgage
Esther Serena Haile}
             State of Florida}
             Alachua County  } Know all men by these presents that
I George K. Broome of the said County and State as Mortgagee in a
certain mortgage now recorded in Mortgage Book "G" on page 180
of the public records of Alachua County Florida made executed and
delivered to me by Esther Serena Haile and Thomas E. Haile her
husband who are therein described as the Mortgagers and bearing
date of March 29th 1883 have this day and by these presents do
release discharge and except from the lien of the paid mortgage
the following described land to wit commencing at the half mile
stake of the Western boundary line of Section Twenty (20) Township
Ten (10) South of Range Nineteen (19) East running East Twelve (12)
chains and Sixty five (65) links to a Stake the point of beginning
Running thence South fifteen (15 chains and Eighty one and one
fourth (81 1/4) links to a Stake thence West twelve chains (12) and
sixty five links (65) to a Stake thence North fifteen (15) chains
and Eighty one and one fourth (81 1/4) links to the point of beginning
containing Twenty (20) acres more or less forming a paralellogram
with East line equal to West line and North line Equal to
South line which above described land is included in said
mortgage above referred to and which by these presents I declare is
released and discharged from the lien of said mortgage. In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this 19th
day of June AD 1886
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 September 2010
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