Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 032
 Signed sealed & delivered in our presence }       George K. Broome    (seal)
as witnesses                               }
             E.P. Axtell                   }
           J.D. Stringfellow               }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Before me personally came George K. Broome who
acknowledges that he signed sealed and delivered the foregoing release of
Mortgage for the uses and purposes therein expressed and contained
acknowledged & subscribed before me   }
this 19thday of June AD 1886          }      G. K. Broome
                  E. P. Axtell        }
   (Seal)            Notary Public    }
                       State at Large }
                                     Filed June 30th 1886
                                      Recorded June 30th 1886
                                         J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                              pr S.H. Wienges DC
H.F. Dutton & Co Assignees }
        to                 }    Release 
Mary M.A. Foster           }
      State of Florida }
      Alachua County   } Know all men by these presents that we
H.F. Dutton and Company Bankers of Gainesville Florida assignees and
transferees of a certain Mortgage and the two notes secured thereby
made by Mary M.A. Foster to Josiah T. Walls of Alachua County
Florida dated the first day of July AD 1885 and recorded at pages
98 and 99 of Mortgage book No 9 of the public records of Alachua
County Florida and which Mortgage covers the following described
real estate situated in Alachua County Florida to wit Commencing at
the North West corner of Section Thirty three (33) in Township Ten (10)
South in Range Nineteen (19) East and running from thence East along
the Northern boundary line thereof Fifty one chains to a Stake
thence South Seventy Eight 44/100 chains to a Stake on the South
boundary of said section thirty three thence West along said
south boundary line fifty one chains to the South West
corner of said section thence North along the West boundary of
said section to the place of beginning containing four hundred
acres have received from the said Mary M. A. Foster the sum
of Eleven Hundred Fifty Dollars the receipt whereof we do hereby
acknowledge which amount is in full payment of one of the
noted second by said Mortgage and which said note so paid we
hereby surrender to her with this instrument and in consideration
of the payment of said note so paid we hereby release and
forever discharge the lien of said Mortgage form off of the

[Part SEC33 TWP10 R19]
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 12 October 2021
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