Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 035
                                      Chas Lippincott & Co
1 - 6 Sy 1 Df*** Apparatus                  }
                      Tenn Marble           }
2 - 2nd Hand Fountains 13 gall              }   $160.00
                  Terms  $10 cash and       }
$ 10 per mo 6% Ins

State of Florida }
Alachua County   } I William Flake the party mentioned within
accept the terms as set fort in making further payments and have
this day executed promissory notes as described within hereby
giving and granting the Lien and conditions set forth and expressed
in said notes Witness my hand the 21stday of June 1886
                                         Wm Flake
The State of Florida Before me A.M. Cushman a Notary Public
duly commissioned and qualified in and for the County and State
above written to me personally known as the contracting party
named within and who signed and executed the above lien bearing even
date herewith and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his
binding act and deed and for the purposes set forth and expressed
therein. In testimony whereof witness my hand and impress of
    (  )official seal at office in this the 21st day of June AD 1886
  ( Seal )                            A.M. Cushman
    (  )                                Notary Public
$10 00/100               Gainesville Fla June 2 1886
      For Value Received on July 15th 86 I promise to pay to the order of
Charles Lippincott & Co Ten Dollars 6% inst. The consideration of this and
other notes is for 1-6-1 D ft appus 2-13 Gall fountains which I have received of
said Charles Lippincott & Co Nevertheless it is understood and agreed by and
between Wm Flake and said Charles & Co that the title to the
above mentioned property does not pass to Wm Flake and that until all
notes are paid the title to the aforesaid property shall remain in the
said Charles Lippincott & Co who shall have the right in case of
non payment at maturity of either of said notes without process of
law to enter and retake immediate possession of the said property
where ever it may be and remove the same
 Payable at the H.F. Dutton & Co Bank
    Due July 15th 86               Wm Flake
$1000/100                  Gainesville Fla June 2 1886
            For value Received on August 15th 86 I promise to pay to the
order of Charles Lippincott & Co Ten Dollars 6% inst The consideration of this and
other notes is for 1-6-D ft appus 2-3 Gall fountains which I have
received of said Charles Lippincott & Co Nevertheless it is understood
and agreed by and between Wm Flake and said Charles Lippincott & Co
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 17 November 2021
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