Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 037
Lippincott & Co who shall have the right in case of non payment at maturity of Either
of said Notes without process of law to enter and retake and may enter and retake
immediate possession of the said property wherever it may be and remove the same
Payable at the H.F. Dutton & Co Bank
  Due Nov 15th 1886           Wm Flake 

6   $10 00/100                     Gainesville Fla May 28 1886
      For Value Received On Dec 15th 86 I promise to pay to the order of
    Charles Lippincott & Co Ten Dollars 6% int The consideration of this and other
    notes is for 1-6-1 Dft Appus 2-10 Gall fountains which I have received of
    said Charles Lippincott & Co Nevertheless it is understood and agreed by and
    between Wm Flake and said Charles Lippincott & Co that the title to the
    above mentioned property does not pass to Wm Flake and that until all
    said Noted are paid the title to the aforesaid property shall remain in the
    said Charles Lippincott & Co who Shall have the right in case of non-
    payment at maturity of Either of said notes without process of law to
    enter and retake and may enter and retake immediate possession of the said
    property wherever it may be and remove the same
    Payable at the H.F. Dutton & Co Bank
          Due Dec 15th 86            Wm Flake 

7   $10 00/100                             Gainesville Fla May 28 1886
          For Value Received On Jany 15th 87 I promise to pay to the
    order of Charles Lippincott & Co Ten Dollars 6% int The consideration of
    this and other notes is for 1-6-1 Dft Appus 2-13 Gall fountains which
    I have received of said Charles Lippincott & Co Nevertheless it is understood
    and agreed by and between Wm Flake and said Charles Lippincott & Co that
    that the title to the above mentioned property does not pass to Wm Flake and that
    until all said notes are paid the title to the aforesaid property shall remain
    in the said Charles Lippincott & Co who shall have the right in case of non payment
    at Maturity of Either of said notes without process of law to enter and retake
    and may enter and retake immediate possession of the said property
    wherever it may be and remove the same
    Payable at the H.F. Dutton & Co Bank
           Due Jany 15th 87           Wm Flake

8   $10 00/100                              Gainesville Fla May 28 1886
            For Value Received On Feby 10th 87 I promise to pay to the order of Charles 
    Lippincott & Co Ten Dollars 6% ins The Consideration of this and other notes is for 1-6-1 Dft 
    Appus 2-13 Gall fountains which I have received of said Charles Lippincott & Co 
    Nevertheless it is understood and agreed by and between Wm Flake and said Charles Lippincott 
    & Co that that the title to the above mentioned property does not pass to Wm Flake and 
    that until all said Notes are paid the title to the aforesaid property 
    shall remain in the Said Charles Lippincott & Co who Shall have the right in case of non 
    payment at maturity of said notes without process of law to enter and retake and may enter 
    and retake immediate possession of the said property wherever it may be and remove the Same
    Payable at the H.F. Dutton & Co Bank
           Due Feby 15th 1887           Wm Flake
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 November 2021
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