Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 040
$10 00/100                      Gainesville Fla May 28 1886
15      For Value Received on Sept 15th 87 I promise to pay to the order of 
Charles Lippincott & Co Ten Dollars 6% Int The consideration of this and other notes 
is for 1-6-1 Dft Appus 2-13 Gall fountains which I have received of said Charles 
Lippincott & Co Nevertheless it is understood and agreed by and between Wm Flake 
and said Charles Lippincott & Co that the to the above mentioned property does not pass 
to Wm Flake and that untill all said Notes are paid the title to the
Aforesaid property shall remain in the said Charles Lippincott & Co who shall 
have the right in case of Non payment at maturity of Either of said Notes without 
process of law to enter and retake and may enter and retake immediate possession of the 
said property wherever it may be and remove the same
Payable at the H.F. Dutton & Co Bank      
     Due Sept 15th 87                 Wm Flake

                 Filed July 8th 1886
                        Recorded July 13th 1886
                                J.A. Carlisle   Clerk
                                     pr S.H. Wienges DC

 John A. Goodson }
       to        }  Mortgage
M.E. Weeks & Co  }
             This Indenture made the 15th day of June one thousand Eight
hundred and Eighty Six between John A. Goodson and wife Mary A.
Goodson parties of the first part and M.E. Weeks and S.N. Weeks Trading
under the firm name of M.E. Weeks & Co parties of the second part
Whereas the said John A. & Mary A. Goodson are Justly indebted to the Said
M.E. Weeks & Co parties of the second part in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars
Dollars lawful money of the United States of America with interest to accrue
evidenced by promissory note of which the following is a Copy
$20000             Melrose Fla  June 15th 1886
    On or by the first of January next we promise to pay to M.E. Weeks
& Co or order the sum of Two Hundred dollars for value received this 15th day of
June AD 1886                      John A. Goodson   (seal)
                    (Signed)      Mary A. Goodson   (seal)
Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said parties of the first
part for securing the payment of the said moneys mentioned in the
Said promissory Note and moneys herein mentioned and in Consideration
of the sum of one dollar to them in hand paid by the said parties of the
second part at or before the delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sold released conveyed and
confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell release Convey
and Confirm unto the said parties of the Second part and their heirs
and assigns forever all the following described land Situate in the
County of Alachua and State of Florida Lot numbered Six (6) of the original
map of Goodsons addition to the town of Melrose Fla Containing

Written in left margin:
See Release of this Mortgage Recorded in Mortgage
Book 11 at page 329 January 19 1887
                    J.A. Carlisle   Clerk
                    pr E.C. Wimberly DC
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 15 January 2022
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