Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 044
affixed my seal on this 13th day of January AD 1886
Signed sealed and delivered in presence }           his
of us as witnesses                      }       Vick X Lang   (seal)
                  H.C. Denton           }           mark
                  G.L. Denton           }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Before me personally came G.L. Denton who being duly Sworn
says that he saw Vick Lang sign seal and deliver the foregoing instrument of 
writing for the uses and the purposes therein contained and expressed
                                           G.L. Denton
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of January AD 1886
                                           J.A. Carlisle
                                              Clerk Cir Court
 Filed for Record July 19th 1886
          Recorded July 19th 1886
             J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                  pr S.H. Wienges DC

James C. Mayfield }
      to          }  Mortgage
M.B. French       }
   State of Florida } Whereas I James C. Mayfield of said State & County
   Alachua County   } am Justly indebted to M.B. French in the sum
of Seven hundred and thirty two and 50/100 dollars which said sum of
money is covenanted to be paid by my certain promissory note bearing
even date herewith as follows
$732.50             Gainesville Fla July 19th 1886
     On the 6th day of July AD 1887 I promise to pay to the order of
M.B. French Seven hundred and thirty two and 50/100 dollars value
received with interest at 12% per Annum from July 6th 1886 till paid
                               (Signed)  J.C. Mayfield
And whereas I am desirous of fully and better securing the payment of
said note and the sum of money mentioned therein Therefore, Know all
men by these presents that we James C. Mayfield and Diva Mayfield,
his wife who Joins in this Instrument to relinquish and renounce her
Dower or any separate interest she may have therein for and in
consideration of the premises and of one dollar to us in hand paid
have granted bargained sold aliened conveyed and confirmed and by these
presents do grant bargain sell alien convey and confirm unto the said
M.B. French his heirs and assigns, all the following described piece parcel
or tract of land lying and being in the County of Alachua and State of
Florida to wit:  The West half of the North West quarter of Block one (1)
of Range five (5) in the City of Gainesville County of Alachua and
State of Florida Also the following described lot tract or parcel
of land lying and being in Alachua County Florida to wit: One
lot in North Gainesville on Alabama Street four hundred and

[Written in left margin:]
For and in consideration of full payment and satisfaction of the money
secured to be paid by the within mortgage I hereby cancel and
discharge the sum from record this the 14th day of Decr AD 1887
Attest    J.A. Carlisle
          Clerk Cir Court                   Myron B. French (Seal)
          pr E.C. Wimberly DC
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 January 2022
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