Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 045
fifty seven feet (457)9 and Nine inches Thence due East Six hundred
and forty five (645) feet Thence South Four hundred and fifty seven feet
& Nine inches (457)9: thence west to the Starting point Six hundred and
forty five feet (645) Being part of the South half of the South West quarter of
the South East quarter of Section Twenty Nine (29) Township Nine (9) Range
twenty (20) containing by Estimation Six 77/100 acres of land more or less, Together
with all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances to the
same belonging or in anywise appertaining To have and to hold the same
unto him the said M.B. French his heirs and assigns forever Provided however
and these presents are upon this express condition that if the said James
C. Mayfield his heirs or assigns shall well and truly pay or cause to be
paid the sum of money covenanted to be paid by said note together with
the interest to accrue thereon according to the legal tenor and effect
thereof then this obligation shall become null and void else to remain in
full force and virtue and it is hereby further agreed and Stipulated
that the said James C. Mayfield shall keep the buildings on both lots of
land herein described insured in Standard fire Insurance Companies
for the full benefit of the Mortgage herein and Keep the taxes paid
on the same. It is further agreed and Stipulated that in case this
mortgage has to be foreclosed, or the note herein secured be collected by
any process of law or Equity that said J.C. Mayfield his heirs or
assigns shall pay all Costs expenses and attorneys fees incident
thereto including any amounts paid by said Mortgagee for unpaid
taxes or re-insurance and it is further agreed and Stipulated that
should said note or any part thereof or any of the interest thereon remain
unpaid for ten days after maturity, or should any of the Stipulations
herein be forfeited or violated for ten days then in that event
the whole of the balance of the principal sum and interest
hereby secured shall become due and payable at the option of the
Mortgage herein. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands
and affixed our seals on this 19th day of July AD 1886
Signed sealed & delivered in  }
presence of us as Witnesses   }      Jas C. Mayfield    (seal)
1  J.R. Crawford              }      Diva Mayfield      (seal)
2  B.F. Jordon                }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   }  I Charles O. Hampton a Notary Public in
and for said State and County do hereby certify that on this 19th day
of July AD 1886 before me personally came James C. Mayfield an
Diva Mayfield his wife to me well known as the persons who
executed the foregoing mortgage Deed and severally acknowledged
the due and legal execution thereof for the uses and purposes
therein Stated and the said Diva Mayfield wife of the said
James C. Mayfield on an examination taken and made Separate
and apart from her said husband did acknowledge before me that
She made herself a party to said conveyance for the purpose of

[Part SEC29 TWP9 R20]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 January 2022
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