Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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make and execute the foregoing acknowledgment her name being with her own 
hand subscribed and her seal affixed in my presence. Witness my hand and seal
at Mikesville Fla the day and year above written
                                       Geo B. Ellis  (LS)
                                       Justice of the Peace
State of Florida   }
County of Columbia } On this day personally appeared before me Abreham Cato
& Dorcas Cato to me well known as the person described in and who executed
the foregoing Mortgage deed and acknowledged that they executed the
same for the purpose therein expressed whereupon it is prayed that the
same may be recorded In Witness Whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and
Seal this fifteenth day of January 1886
                                     Geo B. Ellis  (LS)
                                     Justice of the Peace
 Filed for Record July 24th 1886
       Recorded July 29th 1886
            J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                  pr S.H. Wienges DC

James Givin   }
     to       }   Mortgage Chattel
Wm H. Traxler }
     State of Florida }
     Alachua County   } This Indenture made and entered into on this 13th
day of February AD 1886 Witnesseth that I James Givin in Consideration of
the sum of Two hundred Sixty five dollars already advanced by and now
due to Wm H. Traxler by him the said James Givin the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged and for the further consideration that the said
Wm H. Traxler shall and will make such further reasonable amount
of advances in provisions merchandise and plantation supplies as may
be necessary to enable the said James Givin to make harvest and
prepare for market his crops of all kinds during the Year AD 1886
such further advances not to exceed ____ dollars and for the further
consideration of one dollar in hand paid by these presents doth grant
bargain sell and convey unto the said Wm H. Traxler and to his
heirs and assigns all the right title interest and claim of James 
Givin and to Wm H. Traxler heirs executors and administrators of
in and to all crops whatsoever species kind or description now
growing or which nay hereafter at any time in the future be
planted grown or gathered by me or for me or for my benefit in or
off of any and all lands in Alachua County Florida until the debt
hereby secured with interest is fully paid Also the following described
property to wit One Sorrel horse ten years old name Frank To Have
and to Hold all and Singular the crops lands and personal
property above bargained and sold unto the said Wm H. Traxler
heirs executors administrators and assigns forever provided
nevertheless that if the said James Givin should well and truly
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 January 2022
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