Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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notes bearing even date here with as follows viz: One note due Thirty days after date
with interest and payable at Bank of H.F. Dutton & Co $167.25 one note due
sixty days after date with interest and payable at Bank of H.F. Dutton & Co for
$145.25 one note due Ninety days after date with interest and payable at
Bank of H.F. Dutton & Co. for $167.25 one note due Four months after date with
interest and payable at Bank of H.F. Dutton & Co. for $145.25 And whereas I
George H. Rich (bachelor) am desirous of securing the payment of my said
promissory notes as aforesaid: therefore in consideration of the sum
of one dollar to me in hand paid do hereby bargain sell convey and confirm
unto Charles W. Brush Julia A. Van Ness and Geo R. Fairbanks and to
their heirs executors administrators and assigns all of my right title interest
claim and demand in and to the following described personal property lying and being
in my possession in Alachua County Florida to wit: Nine head of mules Ten Log 
Carts Six Sets of Wagon Harness and two Wagons all being in my use and possession as
aforesaid To have and to hold the above bargained and sold personal property
unto them the said Charles W. Brush Julia A. Van Ness and Geo R. Fairbanks
their heirs assigns and legal representatives forever. Provided nevertheless that
if said Geo R. Rich his heirs or legal representatives shall well and
truly pay or cause to be paid the full amount of said notes together with
the interest thereon according to the tenor and effect thereof then this
Instrument to be void else to remain in full force and effect. It is
hereby further agreed and stipulated that should it become necessary to
enforce the collection of these notes by legal proceedings that the
said Geo H. Rich his heirs or legal representatives shall pay all
costs expenses and attorneys fees which may be incurred therein.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my 
seal on this 15th day of June AD 1886.
Signed Sealed and delivered in }     Geo H. Rich (seal)
presence of us as witnesses    }
     Charles O. Hampton        }
     W.W. Hampton             }
State of Florida }  I hereby certify that on this day personally appeared before
Alachua County   }  me George H. Rich to me well known as the party who
signed sealed and delivered the above and foregoing Instrument who
acknowledged that he executed the same for the uses and purposes
therein set forth. Witness my hand & Notarial seal on this 15th
day of June AD 1886.
     (    )               Charles O. Hampton
   (  Seal  )            Notary Public Florida
     (    )       
           Filed June 15th 1886
              Recorded June 17th 1886
                 J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                   pr S.H. Wienges DC

[Written in Left Margin:] 
       For and in consideration of the full payment of the sum
       of money secured to be paid by this mortgage we hereby
       Cancel and discharge the same from record this May
       28th 1887
 J A. Carlisle        }             Chas W. Brush Etal
Clerk of Court        }               pr W.M. Hampton Atty of Record (LS)
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 9 June 2021
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