Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 524
Lucy Williams (widow) }
  To                  }    Chattel Mortgage
W.L. Jackson          }
State of Florida } Know all men by these presents that I Lucy Williams
Alachua Co       } of the County & State aforesaid for & in consideration of the
Sum of One hundred dollars to me in hand paid by Wilbur L. Jackson
of the town of Archer County and State aforesaid the receipt whereof we
do hereby acknowledge have this day bargained sold & delivered &
by these presents do hereby bargain sell deliver & Convey unto the said
W.L. Jackson the following property to wit, One bay mare with two white
feet seven years old named Jane two cows & 3 Yearlings one ox &
one colt two years old dark Sorrel named Coelim & all of the Crop
that I nay raise this year of any Kind to have & to hold the said des
cribed property unto the said W.L. Jackson his heirs and assigns in
fee simple forever as his & their absolute property. In Witness Where
of I have hereunto affixed my hand & Seal this the 8th day of March
Provided nevertheless that the above is considered in the nature of a
Mortgage for the purpose of Securing the payment of One hundred dollars
to me in hand paid by W.L. Jackson this day for the purpose of enabling
me to plant & cultivate the within mortgaged Crop to be made by
me during the year Eighteen hundred and Eighty seven, now if we Shall
well & truly pay said W.L. Jackson on the first day of Nov 1887 then
this to be null and void else to remain in full force & virtue & I do
hereby waive the benefit of the homestead & Exemption laws of the State
of Florida & any other legal right I may avail my self of -
In witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand & Seal this the
8th day of March 1887  }          her
   In presence of      }      Lucy X Williams   (LS)
        W.F. Winecoff  }          mark
        E.L. Young     }
The State of Florida } Before me Edward L. Young a Notary Public for 
Alachua County       } the State of Florida at Large personally came Lucy
Williams who being duly sworn says and acknowledges before me that
she executed signed sealed and delivered the within Mortgage to Mr.
W.L. Jackson for the purposes and uses therein contained and Expressed
Sworn to and acknowledged before me   }           her
    (  )    E.L. Young                }       Lucy X Williams 
  ( Seal )  Notary Public             }           mark
    (  )    State of Florida at Large }         (widow)

Filed and Recorded April 26th 1887
                           J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                           pr E.C. Wimberly DC

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 11 December 2021
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