Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 546
W.H. Harrison }
  To          }  Chattel Mortgage
W.J. Walker   }
State of Florida } Know all men by these presents that I Waid H.
Alachua County   } Harrison of the State and County aforesaid for and in
Consideration of the sum of Eighty three dollars and Seventy five cents in
hand paid at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and
by these presents do so grant bargain sell and Convey unto W.J. Walker the
following personal property to wit: One twelve Horse power Steam Engine
with Saw Mill and fixtures, Also one Small Strawberry rohan Horse
named Alex about three years old, which I my heirs Executors
or Administrators shall forever Warrant and defend unto the said
W.J. Walker his heirs executors or assigns for their own proper use
and benefit forever. Provided however and the condition of this obligation
is such that if the said Waide H. Harrison his heirs Executors or
assigns shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said
W.J. Walker his heirs or assigns the Sum of Eighty three dollars and
Seventy five cents according to a Certain promissory note bearing
even date herewith them this obligation to become null and void
otherwise to remain in full force and effect in Witness Whereof I
have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my seal on this
thirtieth day of April AD 1887
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of }    Waide H. Harrison  (Seal)
  N.M. Jefferies                           }
  J.L. Patton                              }
State of Florida } Before the subscriber a Notary Public in and
Alachua County   } for said County personally Came Waide H. Harrison
Who being duly sworn says that he executed the foregoing indenture
for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and
Official seal this 30th day of April AD 1887
                     (  )
                   ( Seal )     J.W. Smith
                     (  )         Notary Public

Filed for Record May 5th 1887 Recorded May 6th 1887
                                J.A. Carlisle   Clerk
                                pr E.C. Wimberly DC

Juliet S. Fairbanks }
   To               }  Release of Mortgage
Mary E. Hunt        }
Know all men by these presents that I Juliet S. Fairbanks
administrator of the Estate of Samuel Fairbanks deceased
do hereby in Consideration of Eighty dollars release from the
lien of a Certain Mortgage executed by Mary E. Hunt
and Ebenezer W. Hunt executed on the 10th day of December
AD 1879 and recorded Jany 26 1880 in Alachua Co Fla
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 7 February 2022
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