Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 056
Isaac Steinburg }
      to        }  Release
Percy F. Wilson }
        State of Illinois } For and in consideration of the sum of Twenty
        Fulton County     } Three hundred & Sixty Five Dollars to me in hand
paid by Percy F. Wilson of Alachua County Florida I Isaac Steenburg of the
County of Fulton and State of Illinois do hereby acknowledge full and
complete payment and cancellation of that Certain Indenture of a Mortgage
made and executed on the 8th day of November AD 1883 by Percy F. Wilson
and his wife Willie M. Wilson wherein and whereby they mortgaged to me
all that certain lot tract or parcel of land Situated lying and being in the Town
of Gainesville in the County of Alachua and State of Florida and known
distinguished and described as follows to wit The South Half of Block (4) four
in range (6) Six according to the original Survey of said Town of Gainesville
as per map or plat thereof recorded upon the records of Alachua
County Florida in Deed Book "H" at page 383 which said Mortgage
was duly recorded upon the records of Alachua County Florida in Mortgage
Book "F" at pages 808-9-10 & 811 on the 28th day of November AD 1883.
and I do hereby surrender the said original Mortgage to the said
P.F. Wilson together with the note thereby and therein secured duly
Cancelled and do by these presents authorize empower and instruct
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Alachua County Florida to Cancel
the said Mortgage upon the said records as provided by law.
In testimony whereof I the said Isaac Steenburg have hereunto set
my hand and seal on this 22nd day of July AD 1886
Signed Sealed & delivered in the }
presence of                      }     Isaac Steenburg  (Seal)
   Samuel McKee                  }
   Lillian Steenburg             }
State of Illinois }
County of Fulton  } Personally came before me a duly Commissioned
and qualified Notary Public in & for the said County and State
Isaac Steenburg to me well known who acknowledged that he
executed and delivered the above and foregoing cancellation of
Mortgage in the manner and for the uses and purposes therein
contained and expressed
          Taken & acknowledged before me }       (  )
this 22nd day of July AD 1886            }     ( Seal )
          Alfred C. Steenburg            }       (  )
                Notary Public            }

Filed for Record July 27th 1886
            Recorded July 31st 1886
                  J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                     pr S.H. Wienges DC

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 January 2022
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