Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 568
be made in the performance of the Conditions of this deed and the
bond aforesaid. In Witness whereof we the Said Annie L. DaCosta and
A.J. DaCosta hereunto set our hands and affix our seals the 13th day of
May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & Eighty Seven
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of }         Annie L. DaCosta  (LS)
        S.F. Halliday                      }         A.J. DaCosta      (LS)
        Benjn Rush                         }
The State of Florida }  Personally came before me Annie L. DaCosta
County of Alachua    }  and A.J. DaCosta to me well known who acknowl
edged the due execution and delivery of the above Deed and foregoing
Bond for the uses therein Set forth and Expressed
Taken and acknowledged before me this }         Annie L. DaCosta
18th day of May 1887                  }         A.J. DaCosta
    (  )        S.F. Halliday         }
  ( Seal )      Notary Public         }
    ( )
The State of Florida } I, S.F. Halliday Notary Public do hereby
County of Alachua    } Certify unto all whom it may concern that Mrs
Annie L. DaCosta wife of the within named A.J. DaCosta did this
day appear before me and upon being privately and Separately
Examined by me did declare that She does freely voluntarily
and without any Compulsion Constraint apprehension of fear
of or from her said husband renounce release and forever re
linquish unto the within named "The Central City Building
and Loan Association" of Gainesville Fla its Successors and
assigns all her interest and estate and also all her right
and claim of dower of in or to all and Singular the premises
within mentioned and released
Given under my hand and Seal          }   Annie L. DaCosta (LS)
this 18th day of May Anno Domini 1887 }
   (  )        S.F. Halliday          }
 ( Seal )          Notary Public      }
   (  )

Filed for Record May 20th 1887 Recorded May 21st 1887
                                         J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                         pr E.C. Wimberly DC

State of Florida  } Know all men by these presents That whereas 
County of Alachua } John T. Griffin of the above State and 
County is indebted to S.B. Slaughter of the Same State and County 
in the sum of Thirty five Dollars lawful money of the United States 
which said sum is expressed in one certain promissory note 
bearing even date herewith and for the said Sum of Thirty five 
Dollars and falling due on Nov 1st AD 1887 without interest Now 
Therefore to better Secure Said S.B. Slaughter in full payment 
of said note as expressed I do by these presents Grant bargain
Sell and Convey unto the said S.B. Slaughter his heirs and 
assigns all my right title interest and claim of in and to 
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 30 October 2021
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