Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 592
Mitchell J. Jones }
     To           }  Chattel Mortgage
S.B. Slaughter    }
                 State of Florida  }   
                 County of Alachua } Know all men by these presents
That whereas Mitchell J. Jones of above State and County is indebted
to Samuel B. Slaughter of the same State and County in the Sum 
of Seventy Dollars lawful money of the United States which said 
Sum is expressed in one certain promissory note bearing date 
March 17th 1887 and for the Said Sum of Seventy dollars and 
falling due on Nov 1st AD 1887 with interest at __ Now 
therefore to better Secure said S.B. Slaughter in full payment of Said 
note and interest as expressed I do by these presents grant 
bargain Sell and Convey unto the said S.B. Slaughter his 
heirs and assigns all my right title interest and claim of 
in and to all the Crops of whatsoever Species Kind or descrip
tion now growing or which may hereafter be planted grown 
or gathered by me or for me or for my benefit on or off of 
any and all lands in Alachua County Florida. Also the follow
ing described property to wit: One Sorrel horse Colt
One year old                    "   Bay     "     "
about 9 mon old Six head of Stock Cattle to be marked
2 Swallow forks in one ear and under bit on other, To have 
and to hold all and Singular the Crops and personal prop
erty above bargained and Sold unto the said Samuel B. Slaughter 
his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever. Provided 
nevertheless that of the Said Mitchell J. Jones should well 
and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said S.B. Slaughter 
the full amount of said note together with the interest according 
to its tenor and effect then this instrument to be void else to 
remain in full force and virtue. And it is hereby further agreed 
that Should it become necessary to enforce this instrument 
by legal proceedings the said Mitchell J. Jones will pay therefor 
All Attorneys fees charges and expenses. In Witness Whereof I 
hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this 17th day of March AD 1887                             
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us as Witnesses }  
       L.J. Knight                                         }  Mitchell J. Jones (Seal)
       D.B. St Clair                                       }      
State of Florida } Before me personally came D.B. St Clair
Alachua County   } who being duly sworn Says that he Saw M.J. Jones
Sign Seal and deliver the foregoing instrument of writing for the uses 
and purposes therein Contained and Expressed
                                       D.B. St Clair
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 30th day of March AD 1887
                                       L.J. Knight  (LS) JP
Filed for Record May 21st 1887  Recorded May 25th 1887 
                                       J.A. Carlisle  Clerk              
                                       pr E.C. Wimberly DC
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 24 October 2021
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