Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Mortgage Record 11
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Mortgage Record 11 Page 008
State of Florida }
County of Orange } To all whom it may concern. Be it known that on this 15th
day of June AD 1886 personally appeared before me a Notary Public of the
State of Florida the above named Mary L. Stuart to me well known as the
wife of James M. Stuart and as the person described in and wo executed the
foregoing Mortgage deed who being at the time separate and apart from her
husband Mary L. Stuart did then and there make and execute the foregoing acknowledge-
ment her name being with her own hand subscribed and her seal affixed in
my presence. Witness my hand and seal at Orlando Fla the day and year
above written.
                                    M. Silver            (  )
                                      Notary Public    ( Seal )
State of Florida }                                       (  )
County of Orange } On this day personally appeared before me James
M. Stuart and Mary L. Stuart to me well known as the persons described in and
who executed the foregoing Mortgage deed and acknowledged that they executed
the same for the purpose therein expressed. Wherefore it is prayed
that the same may be recorded. In Witness Whereof I have hereto
affixed my hand and seal this 15th day of June AD 1886
                                   M. Silver       (  )
                                 Notary Public   ( Seal )
        Filed June 17th 1886                       (  )
            Recorded June 18th 1886
                J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                   pr S.H. Wienges DC

H.C. Harlow   }
    to        }  Mortgage Chattel
M.J. Carter   }
             $5000              Gainesville Fla. April 20th 1886
                  On or before the 1ist July after date next I promise to
pay to M.J. Carter Fifty  00/000 Dollars for value Received payable at
the Bank of H.F. Dutton &Cos with interest from maturity at the rate of 12
percent per annum with all costs of collection including ten per cent
Attorney's fees and for security of the payment of the aforementioned amount I
hereby mortgage the following to wit one large Black mare mule about 10 years
old & fifteen hands high named Babe said mule to stand good to M.J.
Carter for purchase money till paid for. And each of us whether maker
security or endorser on this note hereby waives and renounces for himself
and family any and and all Homestead and exemption rights to which he
or they may in any event be entitled under any provision of the
constitution or laws State or Federal against this note or any renual
thereof. Witness my hand and seal
  Witnesses                                      H. C. Harlow  (LS)
         J. Carter
State of Florida }  Before me personally came J. Carter who being
Alachua County   }  duly sworn says that he saw H.C. Harlow sign
Transcribed by Kirk Upthegrove 17 June 2021
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