Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Record of Wills 4
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Record of Wills 4 Page 188
                         WILL OF MARGARET TEBEAU
                        GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA.

     I, Margaret Tebeau, residing in Gainesville, Florida, being of sound mind,
memory and discretion, do hereby make, publish and declare this to be my last Will and
Testament, hereby revoking and making void all former wills made by me at any time
     First:     I order and direct my Executrix, as soon as possible after
my death, to pay off and discharge all debts and liabilities that may exist against me at
= the time of my decease.
     Second:    I give and bequeath to Sarah Alice Thomas, all my personal property,
Bank Deposits, Bonds, sliverware, china and jewelry.
     Third:     To Sarah Alice Thomas, I bequeath and devise my real estate,
situated in the City of Gainesville, Florida, viz:- Block Two (2), Range One (1),
according to the original survey of said City, (formerly Town) of Gainesville, bounded
north by Masonic Street; east by West Main Street; South by the McCormick property;
West by garden Street, during her natural life;   At which place the aforesaid
Sarah Alice Thomas shall continue the School at present there carried on.
                After the death of the said Sarah Alice Thomas, the said described real estate
shall pass to, vest in, and become the property of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in
the Diocese of Florida, to be used for all time as a Diocesan School for Girls;
but should the said Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Florida discontinue
the use of the said property for the purposes set forth herein, then it is my will and
desire and I so direct, that the said property shall go to and belong to the City of
Gainesville, to be used as a Park (not a Play Ground) whither the older white persons
may resort for rest and quiet,- the buildings to be used for a Museum and Library,
as also for a Home for the United Daughters of the Confederacy, under the direction,
supervision and control of the said City of Gainesville;  PROVIDED that the said City
of Gainesville shall accept said property and by Ordinance or proper Resolution agree
to conduct the same for the uses and purposes herein set forth.
Should the said City of Gainesville neglect or refuse to accept the said property
and agree to keep up the same for the purposes herein set forth, then in that case the
property shall become the absolute property in fee of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the Diocese of Florida.
      Fourth:   That the aforesaid Sarah Alice Thomas, if she so desires, at
any time, may place and surrender the said property to the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the Diocese of Florida, and relinquish her life interest therein, she however, always
retaining a home in the property and claiming and reserving a support therefrom.
      Fifth:    All pet animals are to be lovingly cared for; the garden birds
fed daily.  The Large Camellia Japonica at the Southeast corner of the building,
and the Azalea on the North side are never to be cut down nor moved to other places.
      Sixth:    I herein and hereby give, devise and bequeath unto Sarah Alice
Thomas, and to her heirs and assigns, all and singular, the rest and residue of my
estate, real, personal and mixed, of which I may die seized and possessed, or to which I
may be entitled at my decease.
      Seventh:  I herein and hereby nominate and appoint Sarah Alice

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 13 March 2015
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