Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Record of Wills 4
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Record of Wills 4 Page 216
               IN THE NAME OF GOD. AMEN.
   I, James Haile, colored, being of sound mind and memory, and considering the uncertainty
of this frail and transitory life, do therefore make, ordain, publish and declare this to
be my last WILL AND TESTAMENT that is to say:
  FIRST--After all my lawful debts are paid and discharged, I give devise and bequeath unto
my beloved wife Rosa Haile, All of the property, real personal and mixed, that I own at the
time of my death, no matter where the same may be situated, to be by her held and owned
absolutely to her own proper use, benefit and behoof forever.
  Likewise I make, constitute and appoint W.R. McKinstry to be the Executor of this my last
Will and testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made, and I request that he be not
required to give any bond, and request that no inventory of my estate be made.
  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the 30th day of
March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty five.
                                                   James X Haile     (SEAL)
   The above party written and printed instrument was subscribed by the said James Haile,
colored, in our presence and acknowledged by him to each of us; and he at the same time did
declare the above instrement, so subscribed, to be his Last Will and Testament; and we at his
request, have signed our names as witnesses hereto, in his presence and in the presence of
each other, and written opposite our names our respective places of residence.
   M.H. DePass                  Gainesville, Fla. 
         Witness.                                  Residence.
   Evans Haile                  Gainesville, Fla.
         Witness.                                  Residence.

Recorded this 2nd day of April, 1925.
                 B.D. Hiers
                 County Judge.

State of Florida   }
Alaschua County    }               Know all men by these present that I Samuel Harris
being desirous of desposing of my affairs, I hereby make my last will and testament. I leave to my
wife Emma Harris all of my real and personal property to have and to hold during her life and
at the death of my wife Emma Harris I desire my adopted daughter Gussie Gaither to receive the
following, Commence at the North West corner of South east 1/4 of Sect 11 Township 10 South Range
20 east, thence East four (4) chains, South ten (10) chains, West four (4) chains, North ten (10) chains, to be-
ginning containing 4 acres more or less with all buildings on above described land. I also de-
sire my wife Emma Harris to be my sole Administratris and Exucitricx without bond of any kind
what so Ever.
   In witness thereof I hereby set my hand and seal this 21 day of September in the year 1923
We certify that we witness the mark of Samuel    }          Samuel x Harris (SEAL)
Harris who affirms that this is his last will    }                mark
and testament                                    }
      ( Junius P. Wright                         }
Witnesses                                        }
      ( Mary E. Wright                           }

Recorded this 6th day of April, 1925.
                       B.D. Hiers
                       County Judge.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 13 March 2015
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