Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Record of Wills 4
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Record of Wills 4 Page 327
     I would like to give something to my god-son, Eugene Milton Sanchez, Jr.,
not less than Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars in cash, or its value in property. It
may be left to him at the death of my wife, Hattie L. Sanchez, or my niece, Mabel
Sanchez, or may be given to him earlier, - just as they see best.
     I very much hope that Mabel will marry some good man and I advise her,
under all circumstances, to keep her property in her own name. I urge that after
she lives her life if there should be any of my property or the proceeds left, to
give it to Eugene's children, and by no means to outsiders.  I do not mean to say
that if my wife, Hattie L. Sanchez, wishes to give something to her sister or her
sister's son, that I would object.
     When my wife, Hattie L. Sanchez, and I have both passed away Mabel will
have a great many friends, I caution her to beware of her friends. Treat them all
kindly and considerately, but keep property, money and friends separate.
     Now, this is my last Will, May God bless you both. Observe it and all
will be well.
     Signed, sealed and executed this 18 day of December, A.D. 1924.
                                      E.C.F. Sanchez (SEAL)

     Witnesses, at the request of the testator, and in his presence, all being
present at the time in the presence of each other, by us as witnesses to his signature
                                      _ Zach H. Douglas   _
                                      _ B.M. Tench        _
                                      _ A.C. Robinson     _

                      Recorded this 12th day of December, 1927.
                              B.D. Hiers
                              County Judge.

                     IN THE NAME OF GOD.   AMEN.

     I, Agnes Lee being of sound mind and memory, and considering the uncertainty
of this frail and transitory life, do therefore make, ordain, publish and declare
this to be my last WILL AND TESTAMENT that is to say:

     FIRST-- After all my lawful debts are paid and discharged, I give and bequeath
To J.H. Starke, the following described property - To Wit:- Forty (40) acres of land-
the Same being S.E. Quarter of the NE. Quarter Section Twenty Three (23) Township
Nine (9) Range Twenty Two (22) In Alachua County, State of Florida.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal
the Fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and 25.
                                                      Agnes X Lee _(SEAL)

     The above partly written and printed instrument was subscribed by the said
Agnes Lee in our presence and acknowledged by her to each of us; and she at the
same time did declare the above instrument, so subscribed, to be her Last Will and
Testament; and we, at her request, have signed our names as witnesses hereto, in
respective places of residence.

_  J.R. Bachlott.    _                               _  Campville, Fla.   _
            Witness.                                          Residence
_  Charles Herring   _                               _  Campville, Fla.   _
            Witness                                           Residence

                         Recorded this 3rd day of December, 1927.

                                       B.D. Hiers
                                       County Judge.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 23 March 2015
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