Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Record of Wills 4
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Record of Wills 4 Page 328
                                                 Campville, Fla.
                                               April 9, 1927.
       I Agnes Lee of Melrose Alachua Florida being of Sound mind make my last will
       and testament as follows  I leave to my adopted daughter and sister, my entire
       estate as follows fifteen acres of land to be equally divided between the two
       and my house-hold goods and effects to be equally divided between them.

       Witnesses                                _ Agnes x Lee _(Seal)
         Marion Waters  }
         W.M. Stark     }

       Acknowledged and subscribed before
       me this 9th day of April A.D. 1927.
(SEAL)       J.H. Dyess
    Justice of the Peace

                         Recorded, December 3, 1927,
                            B.D. Hiers
                            County Judge

                      TO MY CHILDREN - March 21st, 1925

This is my will concerning the little Property I hold at this writing, and how I
think it should be divided between you- Having sold one place I own only two places,
The home, and lot corner Court st and Virginia Avenue. Let these be sold and
equally divided into three parts, one part for each child, Or, should one of you
wish either place, agree on a price, and divide.  I have also a Government Bond,
Second, Registered Insured (Second Liberty Bond for $500.00 dollars. (Five hundred)
bearing 4 1/4 interest paid every 6 months May 15 and Nov, 15th this to be Equally
divided Between the 3 children Julius Eugene Farber, Chas Malcolm Farber, and my
daughter Margaret S. Perry. Maj W.R. Thomas has at 8 per ct interest $9,000 in-
terest paid quarterly amount $180.00.  This will give each child, Three Thousand
dollars and is all cash and real Estate.  In event death of Margaret S. Perry my
wish is that her part pass equally divided to her children, Douglas Starke Perry,
and Gene E. Perry - The Land at Enterprise if not sold all goes to Margaret S. Perry
not deducting my dower.
    In event of death of J.E. Farber, let his part go equaly divided to
Maxmilan C. Farber, and Louis Farber his sons.
    Should, ChasMalcolm Farber die, without a will my wish is his part
be divided between His Brother Dr. J.E. Farber and his half Sister Mrs. M.S. Perry-
or to her children if either have died.
    My furniture and what is in bank at my death I hope will defray my
burial- Should there be a Surplus, divide that equally between you three.
    Ive had a struggle to gather this amount, so each could have an equal
portion; and enough to do some good.  I have applied all interest coming from it
so if possible to do this for you children After arriving at this, (not before)
would I use interest or even my pension, till this was accomplished. Since I will
not touch Capital but apply interest to taxes and my own comfort and am happy to
do this.  All the time I knew shat I was doing and for whom. I Pray you there
will be no strife but take it as I would have you- I have tried to be just to
each. God bless you and may He land you safe in that home That Eternal home where
houses and lands will not be needed.
                                     Your loving
Gainesville, Fla.                       Mama
March 21st, 1925.                    Lina Starke
            Recorded, December 15, 1927.
                     B.D. Hiers
                     County Judge.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 23 March 2015
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