Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Record of Wills 4
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Record of Wills 4 Page 435
                          ARNTY FAULKNER

              In the Name of God--Amen--

              I, Arnty Faulkner, of Alachua County, Florida, being of sound mind and disposing
memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory Life, do hereby make, publish
and declare this my last Will and testament, hereby revoking all others--


              It is my desire that my legal debts be first paid as soon after my decease as
Conveniently may be --


              I give, devise and bequeath unto my three children, viz: Flora Howell of Newberry,
Fla. R.F.D., Brasky Daniel of Newberry, Fla., R.F.D., Pearly Copeland, of Archer, Fla., all of
the property of which I may die seized and possessed, be the same, real, personal or mixed and
wheresoever situated, or any property that may come to me by right of Inheritance or otherwise, to
have and to hold the


same unto them, in equal parts, share and share alike.


              I am now separated from my husband and to him I give nothing-


              It is my Desire that the Court appoint as Executors of my will, George Howell and
J.A. Jones, to serve without Bond-

              In the event that it shall become necessary, in the Descretion of the Executors,
to sell any part or all of my property, either real or personal, in order to properly care for
and divide the Estate.  They are hereby fully authorized and Empowered to sell the same, and
give Good Muniments of


title therefor.

              In the event that any of my children shall die before I do the the share that
goes to said child, shall go to said child's children, and if they have no children, then said
share shall be divided between the other beneficiaries -
              Witness my hand and seal this 15th day of August, 1931-
                                                         Arnty Faulkner  Seal -

              The above named Testatrix, Arnty Faulkner, did on the day and date thereof,
sign, seal, publish and declare the above instrument to be her last will and testament in our
presence, and we, in the presence of the Testatrix, and in the presence of each other, have
hereunto set our names as subscribing witnesses, and set opposite our name our Respective
              Witnesses                               Address
           S.L. Scruggs                  Gainesville, Fla-  
           G.W. Sherouse                 Campville, Fla  

                           Recorded, April 20th, 1932.

                                      County Judge.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 6 September 2021
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