Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Record of Wills 4
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handwriting of Ella D.P. Eggleston whose name is subscribed as witness to the annexed Will
of Rebecca J. Supplee and that her signature to the same is genuine and in her
own proper handwriting as they verily believe.
Sworn and subscribed before me this     }
15" day of June A.D. 1900.              }  Katherine Wagner.
                                        }    L.M. Little.
             James D. Hay.              }
             And now, June 15" 1900 having heard the proofs of the execution of the
foregoing instrument of writing, as the last will and testament of Rebecca J. Supplee,
deceased, and having duly considered the same, it is ordered and decreed that the said
writing is duly proved as the last will and testament of the said Rebecca J. Supplee,
deceased, and that the same be duly recorded as such according to law.

                                           James D. Hay, Register.
             You Jesse Supplee do swear that as Administrator C.t.a. of the Will of
Rebecca J. Supplee, deceased, you will well and truly administer the goods and chattels,
rights and credits of the said deceased, according to law, diligently and faithfully
regard, and well and truly comply with the provisions of the law relating to collateral
  Sworn and subscribed before
me this 15" day of June A.D. 1900.          Jesse Supplee.
           James D. Hay,

            Erie County          }
                             I, R.H. Howell, Register of Wills, and ex-officio Clerk
of The Orphans' Court of Erie County, in said Commonwealth, do hereby certify that the
foregoing pages contain a true copy of the record and proceedings, viz:-  Proof of

Death. Last Will and Testament, Proof of Will and Order of Register, in the Estate of
Rebecca J. Supplee, deceased, so full as the same remains of record in my office.

         IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said
Office, at Erie, this thirteenth day of March A.D.1922.

                               R.H. Howell,
         (SEAL)           Register of Wills and ex-officio Clerk of The
                                Orphans' Court of Erie County.

              Erie County     }  SS
                 I, Henry A. Clark, President Judge of the Orphans' Court of Erie County,
in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that R.H. Howell, whose name
appears to the above certificate, is Register of Wills, and ex-officio Clerk of The
Orphans' Court of Erie County, in said Commonwealth, and that the Seal by him thereto
affixed is the Seal of his office; and also that this attestation to the said record is
in due form, and that he is the proper person to make such certificate.
                   In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, at Erie, this
thirteenth day of March A.D. 1922.
                                            Henry A. Clark.  (L.S.)
                                              President Judge.

      Erie County.            } 

          I, R.H. Howell, Register of Wills, and ex-officio Clerk of The
Orphans' Court of Erie County, in said Commonwealth, do certify that Hon. Henry A. Clark
by whom the foregoing attestation was made, was at the time of making thereof, and
still is, President Judge of The Orphans' Court of Erie County, duly commissioned
and sworn, to all of whose acts, as such, full faith and credit are, and ought to be given.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 March 2015
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