Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 426
                 Fall Term AD 1896
                  Tuesday Dec 15th
by his attorney Robert E. Davis Esquire was arraigned
and upon his arraignment saith that he is not guilty and
for good and evil puts himself upon God and the Country
for trial. Whereupon a jury was called and there came
J.K. Tuten J.W. Carter L.R. Rawls P.A. Varnes, Now the 
regular panel of the jury being exhausted by reason
of challenge and otherwise the Court ordered the
Sheriff to complete the panel from the bystanders
And there came J. Wertheim and J.D. Williams And now
the panel of the Jury being complete there came as jurors
in this cause J.K. Tuten J.W. Carter L.R. Rawls P.A. Varnes
J. Wertheim & J.D. Williams who were duly empanelled
and sworn to well and truly try the issues between
the State of Florida and the defendant according to
the evidence And the Jury aforesaid after hearing
the evidence the argument of counsel and charge of
the Court retired to consider of their verdict And
after due consideration thereof returned into open
Court and rendered the following Verdict to wit:
Gainesville 12-15-1896.
  We the Jury find the defendant guilty
                                  J.W. Carter Foreman

State of Florida }
      vs         } Murder
Henry Angrahm &  }
Victoria Conley  }
                    Now this cause coming on to be
heard Syd L. Carter State Attorney prosecuting in the
name & by authority of the State of Florida and a
severance having been granted as to Victoria Conley
and the prisoner Henry Angrahm being in open
Court in his proper person as well as by his attorney
Evans Haile Esq And now the prisoner being brought
to the bar under the custody of the Sheriff of Alachua
County to which Sheriff he is likewise committed was
arraigned and pleaded guilty of Murder in the second

State of Florida }
      vs         } Sentence
Henry Angrahm    }
                  And now the prisoner Henry
Angrahm being in open Court for sentence was
demanded if he had anything to say why the
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 10 February 2015
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