Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 427
                  Fall Term AD 1896
                   Tuesday Dec 15th
Sentence of the law should not be passed upon him saith
nothing Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner in manner
and form as follows: the sentence of the Law is that you Henry
Angrahm be imprisoned by confinement in the State Prison
at hard labor for the period of your natural life

State of Florida }
      vs         } Murder
Victoria Conley  }
                  And now this cause is nol prossed by the

State of Florida          }
      vs                  } Grand Larceny
Frank Schafer Joe Schafer }
Charles Williams          }
                             Now this cause coming on to
be heard Syd L. Carter State Attorney prosecuting in the
name and by authority of the State of Florida and the
prisoners being in open Court in their proper persons
were arraigned and each pleaded guilty as charged
in the indictment against them

State of Florida  }
      vs          } Breaking & Entering with intent
Henry Sanders and } to commit a Misdemeanor
Arthur Sanders    }
                  And now on this day this cause
came on to be heard Syd L. Carter State Attorney prosecuting
in the name and by authority of the State of Florida and
the prisoners being in open Court in their proper
persons were arraigned and upon their arraignment
pleaded guilty as charged in the indictment herein

State of Florida               }
     vs                        }  Sentence
Henry Sanders & Arthur Sanders }
      And now the prisoners being in open Court for
sentence were demanded if they had anything to say^the
sentence of the law should not be passed upon them say
nothing Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoners in
manner and form as follows. The sentence of the law if that
you Henry Sanders and Arthur Sanders be each fined
five dollars and in default of the payment thereof that
you each be confined in the County Jail for six months at hard labor
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 February 2015
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