Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 434
                             In the Circuit Court, 5th Judi-
                             cial Circuit of Florida, In and
                             for Alachua County, In
                                 - Chancery -
James M. Graham                  }
     vs                          }
Louis F. Roux and Hannah         }  Mortgage Foreclosure
J. Roux, his wife, and Joseph H. } Report of sale by Master,
Avera Jr. and Laura Avera        }
his wife                         }
          To the Hon W.A. Hocker, Judge of the said Circuit
Court in Chancery sitting:
 And now on this day comes E.E. Voyle as Special Mas-
ter duly appointed and reports to the Court as follows:
That under and by virtue of the final decree of foreclosure
in this cause, I as Special Master advertised and sold the
two tracts of land described in and covered by the said
mortgage and decree and that the first mentioned tract sold
for the sum of Five Hundred dollars and the last tract of
land for the sum of Two Hundred dollars at Public out-
cry to the plaintiff Jas M. Graham, and I have made a deed to
said property to the said purchaser as required by law.
I further certify that said sale was made fairly and openly
at the Court house door in the City of Gainesville, Alachua
County Florida, and that the said purchase was the highest
and best bidder thereof and therefor.
I append herewith a statement showing amount now
due by the defendant to the complainant of $6182.25
Amount of Decree Principal, Int, & Attys fees    6728.00
                            Clerk's Costs           6.00
                          Advertisement            17.50
                           Masters fees            30.70
By amount sale of property                        700.00
 Balance due by defendants                      $6182.25
Dec 7th 1896,   E.E. Voyle
                  Special Master in Chancery
And now on this day comes the complainant by his
solicitor Horatio Davis and moves the court for a de-
cree for a writ of Execution for the balance due to the
complainant by Louis T. Roux and J.H. Avera Jr. on this
decree to wit the sum of $6182.25 in conformity to the
statute in such cases made and provided this 7th 
day of December AD 1896,
            Horatio Davis
                         soltr for complainant
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 February 2015
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