Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 435
upon reading and examining the foregoing report of the
Special Master together with the attached statement and
the motion of the complainants solicitor, thereupon upon
consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged and decreed
that the complainant James M. Graham do have and recover
the said sum of sixty one hundred and eighty two dollars
and twenty five cents, ($6182 25/100) of and from the defend-
ants Louis T. Roux and J.H. Avera Jr, and that this decree do
operate as a lien upon the real and personal property of
the said defendants Louis T. Roux and J.H. Avera Jr, and that
an execution do issue hereon as at common law in favor
of said complainant and against the said defendants the
said Louis T. Roux and J.H. Avera, Jr., to satisfy and pay the
 Done and ordered
       Gainesville Fla Dec 8th 1896
                W.A. Hocker, Judge
Filed Dec 8th 1896,
Recorded Dec 19th 1896,
                  H.C. Denton, Clk
                   by J.M. Richardson, D.C.
               In the Circuit Court, Fifth Judicial
                Circuit, Alachua County, Florida,
                         - In Chancery -
Jane W. Butcher and
Robert S. Butcher her           }
husband.                        }
           Complainants         }
      vs                        } Foreclosure Mortgage
Willim A. Paulsen and           }
and Elizabeth Paulsen, his wife } Final Decree
                Defendant,      }
          And now on this day comes the complainants by
A.G. Hartridge their solicitor, and it appearing to the Court
that process was duly served upon the defendant
according to the rules and practice of this Court, and it
further appearing that on the rule day in October a 
decree pro confesso was regularly entered against the
defendant for want of plea, answer or demurrer,
and the Court having ordered this cause to be referred
to Charles L. Fildes a Special Master in Chancery
to take proof of the matters stated in the bill and to com-
pute the amount due the complainant upon the note
and mortgage mentioned in said bill, and the said
Master having made report thereof to the Court
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 February 2015
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