Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 436
which said report is hereby approved and confirmed by the
Court, and thereupon this cause coming on for a final
hearing upon the bill and the said report of the Master,
and the Court being fully advised in the premises, doth
That the allegations in said bill contained are true, as
therein stated, that the Court has jurisdiction of the sub-
ject matter and the parties in this cause, and that the eq-
uity of this cause is with the complainant, and that there is
now due from the defendant, to the complainant for prin-
cipal, and interest on said note and mortgage the sum of
Eight Hundred and sixty-eight dollars.
It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court
that the defendant pay to the complainant the said sum
of Eight Hundred and sixty eight dollars, with legal interest
to be computed thereon from this day until paid, and also
the sum of One Hundred and five dollars reported by
the Master as a reasonable solicitors fee for foreclos-
ing said mortgage, and also the costs of this suit:
and it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed, that in de-
fault thereof the said mortgaged premises mentioned in the 
bill of complaint in this cause, to-wit: Lot numbered
four (4) of section eighteen (18) in Township nine (9)
South of Range twenty two (22) East (Lot 4 sec 18, T9,
S R 22 E) containing by estimation Forty (40) acres of land
more or less situated in Alachua County Florida, or so
much thereof as may be sufficient to realize the amount so
due the complainant principal and interest, and also the
costs of this suit, including the solicitors fees, as aforesaid
and the disbursements, and commissions on the sale therein
mentioned and which may be sold separately without
material injury to the parties interested, be sold at public
auction for cash in and to the highest and best bidder
in front of the Court house door in said County of Alachua
and that the complainant or any of the parties in this
cause may become the purchaser or purchasers at said
sale; that the said Master on such sale being made ex-
ecute a deed to each purchaser of said premises, or any por-
tion thereof, And the said Master out of the proceeds of
such sale, shall retain fees, disbursements and com-
missions, on said sale, that he pay the officers of this
Court their costs in this suit, that he pay to the com-
plainant solicitor his fees for foreclosing said mortgage
as herein allowed, that he pay the unpaid taxes due
upon said premises and that out of the remainder
of said proceeds he pay to the complainant or their sol-
icitors of record the said sum of eight hundred and
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 February 2015
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