Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 437
sixty-eight together with the legal interest thereon from
the date of this decree to the day of sale, or if such remain-
der shall be insufficient to pay the whole of said
amount and interest as aforesaid, then that he apply the
said remainder to the extent to which it may reach in
satisfaction of said amount and interest, and that the
said Master take receipts from the respective parties to
whom he may have made payments as aforesaid, and
file the same together with his report of sale in this
Court, and that in case the said premises shall sell for
more than sufficient to pay the principal, interest and
cost and fees of this suit, then that the said Master, after
making payments as aforesaid bring such surplus mon-
eys into court without delay to abide the further order
And it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the
defendant William A. Paulsen, and all persons claiming
by, through or under him since the commencement of
this suit be forever barred and foreclosed from all eq-
uity of redemption and claim of, in and to said mortgage
premises, or any part thereof.
And it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed, that upon
the execution and delivery of the conveyance or convey-
ances as aforesaid the said purchaser or purchasers his
her or their representatives or assigns be let into possession
of the portion of said mortgaged premises so conveyed, to
him, her or them, and that any of the parties in this cause
who may be in possession of said premises, or any part
thereof, and any person who, since the commencement of
this suit, has come into possession under them or either
of them, on the production of the Master's deed of conveyance
shall surrender possession thereof to such purchaser or
purchasers, their representatives or assigns, and on refu-
sal so to do, will be considered in contempt of this court
And it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that if the
money's arising from said sale shall be insufficient to
pay the amount so due the complainant with interest
as aforesaid, after deducting the costs, fees and expenses of
sale as aforesaid, that said Master specify the amount
of such deficiency in his report of such sale, and that on
the coming in and confirmation of said report, the complain-
ant have leave to apply to the court for a decree against
William A. Paulsen who is personally liable for the
amount of the deficiency
And it is further ordered that the said Master in Chan-
cery report his proceedings in the premises to the Court 
at Gainesville Fla, Dec 11th 1896,
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 February 2015
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